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Queen of America Premium

Retired at 54 to southern UT. BIG mistake. Oh, well, guess I'm stuck for a while. Husband and I cater to 3 cats. We also foster so it's rare that we don't have a spare cat or some kittens in the house. When we don't, it seems odd.

Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on The Barn

    On one of our Christmas trips, my sister flew into Phoenix where we picked her up. Then we drove up to Prescott. By the time we got there, checked in and cleaned up, it was well past dinner time but the dining room was still open. We sat by a long bank of floor to ceiling windows that looked out onto a big grassy area and beyond that was a wooded area.The only other people in there was a group of maybe 6 o 7 tourists from Asia. No kids any where. As we all sat looking out the window, we saw a buck and two does emerge from the woods onto the grassy area. Awe…was the collective response, until the buck mounted one of the does! When he was done, he hit up the the other one. When they were done, they all headed back to the woods. About then, our server showed up with our food and said “Now THAT’S how you do dinner and a show!” Everyone applauded while he took a little bow,.

  2. 4 days ago on The Barn

    I’ll take the snow and cold any day because I know that Summer is right behind Spring and I dread Summer.

  3. 4 days ago on Drabble

    Can’t zoom on this one.

  4. 5 days ago on Ten Cats

    The cable guy was here yesterday and said the boxes are crapola. And, most people can just do streaming for less money if you only get the ones you want.

  5. 5 days ago on Ten Cats

    I like this new format. I can read everything without a magnifying glass.I called to order just two things from a clothing catalog yesterday. The first thing I heard was a screaming baby in the background. The first thing I told the woman was to do something about it because I could barely hear her.Then, when I was done with my order, she tried to tell me about other items. I said no, just those two. She tried again I stopped her again. I said NO. Then she wanted to tell me about all of the ‘advantages’ of having their credit card and could she sign me up? I said NO. She tried again. By now I was really annoyed when I stopped her. I said“I told you NO. Once a customer says no, stop asking. It just makes us angry.” Finally , she tried to talk me into expedited shipping for just $25 extra. Yeah, that wasn’t happening.

  6. 5 days ago on Ten Cats

    Same here. I can see my neighbors’ rose bushes and they’re all leafy. It won’t be long before I see roses.

  7. 5 days ago on Drabble

    Can’t read the little side panels. Too tiny for these old eyes. I don’t care enough to get out the magnifying glass.

  8. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    That comment made me laugh because it’s just so typical of public bureaucracy. I spent my entire career in a large school district in southern CA (no, not a teacher. There WERE other people besides teachers) and what you described was common.

  9. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Oh, year. What a great show!

  10. 5 days ago on Texts From Mittens

    She was 18 months older than me and our brother is two years younger than me. I always thought it was odd that there weren’t more pictures of him – being the boy and all. She was born in 1949. Back in the early 1990s when my husband and I went to San Francisco, we hired a private driver to take us places; not the tourist places but other interesting places. Anyway, I knew Sandy had the pics of being held by our father the day they took her home. I got the address from her and the driver took us there. It was to one of the ‘painted lady’ houses. I have a copy of the little newsletter the Oakland Naval Hospital put out that week with her listed. I was born at the same hospital. Any news of me? Nope. Our brother was born on Camp Pendleton and nothing for him, either. I never resented any of it – she and I used to just laugh about it.