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- over 13 years ago on Pearls Before Swine
over 13 years ago
on Doonesbury
This is a rerun, right?
over 13 years ago
on Non Sequitur
Strangely, this theology is correct. In the earliest known Hebrew artifacts, Yahweh had a wife named Asherah, who was later edited out of the Bible. This was one of many revisions to the Bible text before the familiar version was finalised.
over 14 years ago
on Non Sequitur
Hitler and Stalin were against Darwin. The Nazis banned Darwin and burned his books. Stalin perscuted Darwinists in a similar manner.
The Bible is full of historical and scientific errors as well as bad advice.
Jesus had his flaws and bad behavior. In Matthew 8:28-34 Jesus allowed an entire herd of pigs to be stolen and killed. In Matthew 18:7-9 Jesus told people to to cut off their own hands, feet, eyes and sexual organs that can “cause you to sin.” Every intelligent person knows that the brain is where all “sin” originates. Sin can be prevented by talking with a counselor or seeing a therapist, not mutilating one’s own body. In Mark 11:12-14 Jesus kills a harmless fig tree out of spite. Jesus often contradicted himself, saying we should honor our parents but also (in Luke 14:26) saying that we must “hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself” in order to be Jesus’ disciple. So much for Christian family values! Jesus’ doctrine is harmful and unhealthy.
over 14 years ago
on Doonesbury
Could his Nobel be the icon? I don’t know if there’s an easy way to draw a recognizable symbol for that. It is pretty ridiculous that the icon still hasn’t come after 20 months in office. In the past, Trudeau got that down pretty quick.
over 14 years ago
on Non Sequitur
I think this Sen. Kingpit Dixon is a new character, but he had an ancestor who comitted foul deeds in 1850s California–see Homer the Reluctant Soul from about 13 years ago.
over 14 years ago
on Non Sequitur
Huey, Dewey and Louie are the sons of Donald’s sister Della (nicknamed Dumbella). Morty and Ferdie are the sons of Mickey’s sister Mrs. Amelia Fieldmouse. Moby Duck is a sea captain that Donald meets occasionally, but it’s not clear if he’s a relative or not. He’s a klutz who claims to be a great whaler but seldom if ever actually kills a whale.
over 14 years ago
on Non Sequitur
A truly open cartoonistic mind is not above accepting overall storyline suggestions from the public. It should also be noted that Charles Schulz’ Peanuts wasn’t that great of a comic strip, consisting mainly of about 20 or 30 different basic gag situations permeated by cloying cuteness and mock-philosophical “wisdom”, repeating over and over as if rotating on a Rolodex.
over 15 years ago
on Doonesbury
I’m sure it’s a rerun. I guess Trudeau decided this cautionary tale’s lesson is worth repeating.
over 15 years ago
on Doonesbury
What’s taking Trudeau so long for us to get the Obama “icon”?
I think of Pluto as an honorary planet.