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Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Nick Anderson

    If you actually followed the case instead of just giving your opinion you would know at no time was the “stand your ground” law even mentioned. What was described many times is the law of self defense which you probably know is the law in all 50 states. Didn’t matter where the trial was held the defense would have been the same. Self-defense. Did you see the police taken photos? How do you propose that happened.

  2. over 11 years ago on Nick Anderson

    And Martin beating him up, see photos, has no meaning. In your society one may ruthlessly beat another up with no consequences.

  3. over 11 years ago on Nick Anderson

    You certainly are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Did you see the police taken photos of the assaulted Zimmerman. The jury did, dozens of times. Just how do you think he got beaten up? And there was a witness who saw Martin beating Zimmerman up.Martin having just smoked pot may have exhibited bad judgement. His extensive criminal record doesn’t suggest a boy scout. And why was he carrying burglar tools?

  4. over 11 years ago on Chris Britt

    MM Did you see the story re the black female friend of Martin who wrote a lette about him, put into evidence by the prosecution, sympathetically discussing him, the case etc.

    The defense then asked her to actually read her signed letter to the jury. She demurred, saying she couldn’t read cursive. Think she wrote the letter? Pure racism on the part of the prosecution. It is not one sided.

  5. over 11 years ago on Dan Wasserman

    Somehow we found $100M to send Obama on an ego trip to Africa. Austerity cann’t have hit that hard.

  6. over 11 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    As a Dermatologist who has treated literally thousands of cases of HPV (manifested in some as genital warts but also in different ways) it is well known that the virus may be pre-malignant.

    For males it is external and usually treatable. For many females it is internal and unless visualized goes untreated and may become malignant. It can be transferred female (internal) to male (external) and then back to female (internal). One of the few times it can become internal in males is through oral sex. HPV has been proven to cause oral malignancies.

  7. over 11 years ago on Nick Anderson

    If you think Citizens United was bad just think how terrible the 1st Amendment is. Everybody actually thinks they have the right to voice their opinion. We must send the FBI to harass them and the IRS toi audit them and Justice to go through their emails. Only Soros can spend millions because he is good.

  8. over 11 years ago on Jim Morin

    I know Miss Smith you were violently raped and assaulted.. We just arrested a man accused of rape with a history of a dozen previous rapes but it would violate his civil liberties to take a cotton swab from his mouth. If we could get him to drink a cup of coffee than everything would be legal. But remember we are pro women.

  9. over 11 years ago on Gary Varvel


    I met Avik at a Libertarian meeting. He is a physician who chose to go into business. Really, really smart and hard working. If you ask him he will put you on his mailing list.

  10. over 11 years ago on [Deleted]

    Thank you for your good wishes. I will need it.

    Can’t compare Canada and the UK but my best friend married an Englishwoman and moved there. He developed a life-threatening surgical condition and received A+++ medical care ( for free) saved his life.

    Bit was told to return for follow up in 2 months. Here he would have been seen in weeks. He elected to go private and has frequent private followup care and when needed goes back to National Health Service for expensive care.