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quackduck314 Free

Recent Comments

  1. 12 months ago on Thatababy

    man…. door…. hand….. hook…. car…. door!

  2. over 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    For you? Sure. For Meredith and Robin? Not much.

  3. over 1 year ago on [Deleted]

    Unless you shut off the water every time you’re washing something (hair/body), and never just stand in the running water, it saves water during all those times. And, while there are people who do all that and more, most people don’t.

    There’s obviously other methods that are better, or that work in conjunction – taking less showers, focusing on efficiency with what showers you do take, etc.

    It’s kind of like the “turn off the water while you brush your teeth” statements – some of us just never had it on to begin with, but if you need to make it a habit, then low-flow faucets can help while you learn (or when other people in your house, like in this comic, don’t want to change).

  4. almost 2 years ago on Edge City

    They’re herd animals – they generally do better with others around. Human interaction can make up for a lot of it – we have one on his own right now because he’s contagious, so he lives in the home office and gets 8-14 hours a day of interaction.

    If you have to keep them physically separate (too aggressive toward each other is the usual cause), keeping them near each other where they can hear or see each other can work as well. Girls generally get along easily in large groups – we’ve only ever had one pair snip at each other a little for a few days after introductions. Boys take longer to get used to each other, and some never do. One of ours incites riots and violence in all pairings/groups we tried, so he’s alone now. But we had two very stable groups of four for a while, but when one passed, we started the introduction process of the other 3 in that group to 2 new rescues. It’s been a week and they still haven’t calmed down entirely – but it’s all show, no biting.

    It’s easy to rescue girls, so even though we started with them, we mostly focus on boys now because they don’t get rescued because it’s harder to take care of them. Slowly disproving all the myths of “you can’t introduce them after 6 months” and similar.

  5. almost 2 years ago on Edge City

    Me: Guinea pigs should almost always be in pairs or herds, not by themself! (occasionally aggressive males may be better off alone) They should be in an open cage, not in a tank style enclosure!!!Me to me: it’s a comic, calm down, look at the cute guinea pig.

  6. about 4 years ago on [Deleted]

    She didn’t get much further down the alphabet before finding a career! :P

  7. almost 6 years ago on Edge City

    Just FYI – all the backlog that was also missing has now been uploaded. First “new” one after the one that we all saw for weeks is the October 1st one, so you can catch up on what was missed.

  8. over 6 years ago on Luann

    Eyez of Zeye Appearance: http://www.gocomics.com/luann/2009/07/29?ct=v&cti=1809668

  9. over 6 years ago on Luann

    knock knock knock Tiffknock knock knock Tiffknock knock knock Tiff

    Sheldon’s known for his triplicate nature, and so is Tiffany in this strip.

  10. about 7 years ago on Thatababy
