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  1. almost 12 years ago on Fred Basset

    Well said, JR

  2. over 14 years ago on Fred Basset

    There is at least a dime’s worth of difference imho.

  3. over 14 years ago on Fred Basset

    Aw Fred, that’s Little Amanda and the missus and mister playing classical music together.

  4. over 14 years ago on Fred Basset

    Good question firedance. We’re familiar with Yorky, Jock, Bruno, Fifi, the Grosvenor Gang, but who is the dog on the right?

  5. over 14 years ago on Fred Basset

    Someone from the UK, please tell me why England, not Great Britain, not the UK, plays in the Word Cup.

    Is Cameron the PM of 4 countries or one county?

    Same Q…Is the UN represented by the UK as one country or 4 counties?

  6. over 14 years ago on Fred Basset

    Mia? She looks like little Amanda, though her mother looks different. Cartoon characters are not supposed to grow up. Archie was in high scool for decades, etc.

  7. over 14 years ago on Fred Basset

    I’d like to see more of this truck driver and his dogs.

    It’ll show us more about England as well.

  8. almost 15 years ago on Fred Basset

    You’ve already won a few gold medals at various dogs shows. You should do fine at the local. No doubt your owners will enter you, they are justifiably proud or you, Fred.

  9. almost 15 years ago on Fred Basset

    Now that’s the Yorky I know! He’s even more energetic than Jock, not to mention Fredl

  10. almost 15 years ago on Fred Basset

    You’re not “comic strip” shy Fred. You’re the best!