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- over 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse
over 14 years ago
on For Better or For Worse
My ever-so-brave parents drove from Halifax, NS, Canada to Austin, Texas to start a sabbatical with me (age 4) and my sister (age 2). At the time, I remember being so amazed–what were the chances that there was a pool every single place we stopped? Parents can be pretty crafty…two to three hours in the pool and we’d crash for the night! ;-)
over 14 years ago
on For Better or For Worse
It’s amazing what looks like good TV when you’ve been listening to baby babble all day ;-)
over 14 years ago
on For Better or For Worse
Miss Manners has an excellent comment on how manners should evolve: rather than judging our behaviour solely on the gender of the other person, judge it on consideration. So if you already have the door open, of course you hold it open for someone else, whoever they are; if you’re sitting on a bus, and someone else looks like they could use a seat more than you, you offer it to them. That way everyone can offer courtesy and kindness to just about everyone else, and we’ll all feel a lot better about life.
Probably too simple to catch on ;-)
almost 15 years ago
on For Better or For Worse
There’s only so much you can do in the one-and-a-half hour nap and the three to four hours after they go to sleep–and sometimes, taking some precious time where you’re not doing anything important is critical for your sanity! After a busy day with my little guy, my brain is just about capable of managing the complex process of sorting socks ;-)
almost 15 years ago
on For Better or For Worse
Speaking as a parent of a little boy a little younger than Lizzie is in this comic, I am constantly amazed at what he can and can’t get into! His capabilities are changing so fast at this age that my babyproofing is always lagging behind a little. Who knew that this week he’d be able to climb on top of one of my storage containers, when last week he didn’t have a chance? I, like most parents, am lucky that nothing serious has happened, but you can’t lock every door, drawer, and cupboard in the house!
I think we should all keep in mind when we’re looking at any of these comics that it’s not fair to criticize any parent constantly…none of us looks very good under constant scrutiny, and I’m sure any parent has a moment or two with their children that they cringe to remember. Lynn Johnston was pretty brave on that score to actually exhibit some of hers!
Wow, I totally didn’t intend to get this heavy this early in the morning. Back to the funnies!
Depends on the couples…there’s a couple my husband and I get together with frequently. The two guys are in the same profession. It’s guaranteed that, after dinner is over, work talk will come up. Cleaning the kitchen is sometimes a welcome escape for the ladies… ;-)