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Alderan218 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Today's Dogg

    Reminds me of the Bob Rivers song “Chipmunks Roasting”. Another appropriate Rivers song would be “Yellow Snow” to the tune of “Let it Snow”.

  2. over 11 years ago on Over the Hedge

    The Schoolhouse Rock DVD ISBN:0-7888-2925-4. Has every SHR song. I had to buy it when it came out.

  3. about 13 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    Ooh Aggies dost thou wonder too,that your faults lie ?deeper? than stinky socks..And that when your mother gave birth to youshe suffered from the pox

    But though you’ll think me tacky,I’ll suppose that it’s not rare,That beneath your grey khakilies crotchless underwear.

    So Aggies lest from grace you fall,We’ll concede this if you let usYour shaven domes are heads afterallThough only ones of lettuce