Vic 2

protojew Free

Female, 49, Fresno CA

Recent Comments

  1. over 13 years ago on In the Bleachers

    Good one!

  2. over 13 years ago on Sylvia

    @ Adam Sperry: Well said.

  3. over 13 years ago on The Argyle Sweater


  4. over 13 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Guess the question was NOT Quiche or Death this time?

  5. over 13 years ago on Sylvia

    Thanks Wild Sow, I was gonna say that! lol

  6. over 14 years ago on Lio

    Hope Lio’s filter works better than MINE!

  7. over 14 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    Like Her Most Royal Majesty’s Crazy Eyes~reminds me of Ramona’s crazy eyes on Real Housewives of NYC!! LOL

  8. over 14 years ago on On A Claire Day

    Well done!!

  9. over 14 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    @ghostkeeper: TA so very much for holding off the Axis for so long! There, I said it, and I mean it..My Dad was a WWll and Korea vet, may he rest in peace. Some Americans are greatful to the British, even though we were not so at one time. Soooo, How bout ‘them Dodgers, huh?

  10. almost 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    @Lewreader, I think Danae from Non Sequiter IS her sister! You are correct! The expression in panel 3 should strike FEAR into Calvin’s heart!!

    I have a C&H “tramp stamp” on my lower back, I am such a fan!! Think The artist would be flattered? lol