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  1. about 14 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Point 1: Political argument over the content of a COMIC STRIP is specious at best. Point 2: Stereotyping any party based on the actions of the VERY Vocal Minority of those parties (NON RACIAL, So don’t even start) is not thinking logically. Point 3: This is, first and formost, a COMIC STRIP. Look and leave. If you don’t like it, ignore it. Stop causing trouble with political and personal stereotypes.

  2. over 14 years ago on On A Claire Day

    I run mac osx w/snowleopard, and ubuntu linux on the same machine, both of which have no trouble with flash.

  3. over 14 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    @ C.A. Vulgarity is strictly in the mind and eye of the beholder as is beauty. Don’t assume someone’s personal political bent just because they see a cartoon as vulgar. Opinions are like navels. Most have them, but some should keep them to to themselves.

    Well done comic, imho.

  4. over 14 years ago on Broom Hilda

    Gives new meaning to the term “horning in”…