Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 22, 2011
Man: We make about 500 times more than our workers on average, right? Man: Yeah... so? Man: So, if we made 50 times more, employment and commerce would rise, the economy would be healthy... and we'd still be filthy rich. Man: Yeah, but not absurdly filthy rich. Man: Good point. Never mind... Man: Sometimes I really wonder about you, Reggie. CEOs to the rescue... or not.
It’s absurd to get incensed about some CEO making umpty-ump times more than the guy sweeping the floor. Just what IS the ideal ratio handed down from Olympus or Mt. Zion or wherever? 200? 100? 20? No such number exists. It’s always been whatever the market will bear, and that’s true for both ends of the scale.
More important, behind all the pay-scale hand-wringing is a Leftist hatred for free markets and a childish wish that everyone should be equal. The result throughout history has been equalized poverty—except, of course, for the nobles, dictators, commissars, and bureaucrats running the system, but nobody ever calculates how much more they make than the serfs.