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  1. over 13 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Why is it that vegans want to devolve the species? Not eating honey is a protest against nature? Makes as much sense as anything else coming from a vegan.

  2. over 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    That 80% are obviously NOT he generationally incompitent and should be helped to regain self sufficiency. The other 20% should be put on the B arc.

  3. over 13 years ago on [Deleted]

    The producers don’t need the generationally incompitent to survive, it’s the other way around.

    As for democracy, I’ve said it elsewhere that democracy in of itself is corrupt by nature as it is nothing but mob rule. It is the REPUBLIC that protects the rights minority.

    As for the fringe left and fringe right. One leads to communism, the other leads to facism and neither has a place in civil society.

  4. over 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    if natural selection were left to function naturally the crazy left would die out of its own inability to care for itself. Unfortunately we allow the generationally incompetent to breed unchecked at the expense of those who actually work.

  5. over 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Kaynesian theory. The new definition of insanity.

  6. over 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    Global warming alarmists would be such fun to laugh at with their incredible simple minded ignorance if they weren’t so bleeep dangerous.

  7. over 14 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    An apology for a $20B shakedown isn’t anything to aplogize for IMO.

    BP should pay for their accident, not for Obama’s shutting down of the entire deep water drilling industry.

    The more one looks at Obama the more one sees Chavez.