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  1. almost 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Back in the 80s, a guy I knew that worked for the cable company made a list of stupid cable customer questions:

    Q: if I want to receive 35 channels, do you have to run 35 cables?

    Q: If I have a black & white TV will cable make it color?

    etc etc etc

  2. over 14 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    You might not like lewreader’s politics, and I certainly don’t agree that corporations are what made america great (wasn’t it lawyers, after all), but lew has a valid point regarding leadership and everything obama was supposed to do but failed to do.

    i voted for Obama - heck, my 79 year old dad (lifelong republican) voted for him, and I don’t think we’re receiving ANY of the change that was promised.

    Lew is right: Fix the problems, THEN blame the predecessor. When the Republicans started pushing back, he should have shifted left, not to the chewy minty-fresh center.

    Civil liberties and privacy rights protection? nope. WORSE than Bush.

    Close Guantanamo. nope. Keep feeding the flames (and the military contractor complex).

    End the war in Afghanistan? It’s been running longer than Vietnam or WWII, and cost MORE than either.

    End the war in Iraq? We’ll be there forever. We’re still in GERMANY, for pete’s sake.

    Universal Health Care? nope - the Insurance Industry Enrichment Act is more like it.

    End the recession? nope - the Banking and Investment Industry Enrichment Act is more like it. There were so many things wrong with this approach I don’t even know where to begin.

    Immigration reform? In your dreams.

    Lobbyist reform? In your nightmares.

    Alternative energy? In your next lifetime.

    The irony of all this: the US Citizenry is so fickle and stupid, they will vote for the party which will ACCELERATE the devolutionary processes which are causing these messes in the first place.

    American Democracy is on a glide path to extinction (more precisely “controlled impact into terrain”).

    Here’s how to solve most of our problems in 180 days: close ALL OVERSEAS MILITARY BASES. Bring all troops home. Spend the savings on cleaning up our messes here. Use that manpower to build roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, high-speed rail, etc etc etc.

    THAT’s change I can believe in. Everything else is just bull .