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  1. about 14 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    As in all art, truth is in the eye of the beholder. But putting all this convoluted thinking aside, it seems all he might be saying is that there are people so ignorant in parts of the country that they’ll say one things, not realizing that they actually expect support from the same gubmint that want to shout down. And often its ok if they get more than they pay in back, but if anyone else gets more than they pay in, why they’re” no good varmints!” I saw plenty of people at the last get together riding on their carts because they were too fat to walk , (or work for some of them), and what they were getting in benefits were exponentially more than any of them ever put in. But they were utterly blind to the fact who was paying for their carts, Rx’s, SS, denny’s unhealthy6 meals, etc. This isn’t about specifics. It about intellectual disconnect in general. Bottom line, its purpose is to make us think and question. I’d say its doing an ok job of that. I don’t understand why there has to be this hate and categorizing of black vs white right vs left. most folks are in between. Extremeist means just that “to the extremes”

  2. about 14 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Dead air and chimpson cycles? He must have accidentally changed the channel over to c-span or Faux-Nudes, (or RedEye, the best show on Faux-nudes.)

  3. about 14 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    The only country man enough to have human bullfighting! Of course I speak of congress/most overemotional politico-debate, not football.

  4. over 14 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I am in a happy marriage because I actually waited to find the right person, (which took until age 40!), and we both took the effort to find out who the F we were and what we wanted before we tied the not. But as a young man, with society telling us what to do, all these thoughts ran through our heads for sure. I know this happens every day (ah 50% divorce rate? Hello!) So sure, its funny. But its also a comment on the utter lack of communication between the sexes and societal pressures foisted upon us on a daily basis to conform to societal expectations, (as well as those of good ole Mom! and sometimes Dad too, esp. for the daughters out there). So lets laugh, but maybe some will take it to heart and actually try to communicate their wants and needs with a prospective partner and mature to the point they’re happy alone before trying to be happy with someone else. Time will tell.