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gregccox Free

Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on Perry Bible Fellowship

    It took me a minute. But that made the laugh better.

  2. over 7 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Don’t Ron it into the ground.

  3. almost 8 years ago on Beardo

    She can already sit up? Impressive.

  4. almost 8 years ago on The Duplex

    Saddest day of my life.

  5. about 8 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    “Obvious time/temperature issues” means they don’t have any logs. No records means it isn’t happening as far as the health department is concerned. For good reason.

  6. about 8 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    You misspelled Nickelback.

  7. over 8 years ago on The Wandering Melon

    “Borrowed” from Greg Warren’s PawPaw Guidance System bit.

  8. over 8 years ago on Last Kiss

    Will the lose/loose madness never end?

  9. over 8 years ago on The Duplex

    No. You are not. The comedy is Amaaaaazzzing.

  10. over 10 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I see his problem. He should be growing vegetables. Vegeatables must be GMO.