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  1. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I wonder if we would have seen all this tolerance for disrespect if it was put where it belongs with AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, or best of all President Obama. That’s where that comment deserves to be pointed.

  2. over 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    This cartoonist is twisting the facts so far they are no longer recognizable. This company offers good insurance that cover 16 of 20 birth control methods; and the other four are available over the counter for less than 50 dollars.Funny; I don’t see anything about any of that in this “cartoon/fantasy”.

  3. over 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    Actually that separation you mentioned in not in the Constitution! What’s there is protection of religion against government.And this decision is about what individuals are allowed to believe and thereby have to pay for. Lobby Hobby pays for coverage of 16 of 20 methods. The other 4 are available over the counter of less than 50 bucks. If that becomes a hardship; those kinds of people need to rethink their lifestyle; and not try to force people to pay for it.

  4. over 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    DID you read what your wrote before you clicked that submit button?You think there’s basis for that comparison? Insurance is an employee benefit. If you try to force employers to pay for opened ended health insurance policies (and I’m just saying that for sake of argument). Privately held companies have the right to either stop offering insurance or cut hours either of which would allow them preserve their religious beliefs.Frankly your argument sounds like it was made by junior in high school.This decision denies nothing to anyone. It merely allows these kinds of businesses to pay for insurance covering 16 of 20 methods available over the counter. The other four can be bought for less than 50 bucks by anyone with the money.You sir need to learn more about what you are talking about. Some who goes by Uncle Joe shouldn’t talking out of *.

  5. over 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    Defense is one of the few things the government is Constitutionally mandated to do. Forcing people to pay for other peoples morning after pills is strangely not mentioned. On the other hand religion is protected by the Constitution. And wholly owned companies who owners don’t believe in abortion should not be forced by government to violate their consciences. Especially when sixteen are covered and the other four can bought for under 50 bucks in any pharmacy.As for Defense I’m praying we elect someone on the level Ronald Reagan to restore our military and our credibility.

  6. over 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    Not sure what your saying here; doesn’t seem to apply. Unless your talking about the Democrats tendency to over tax, over regulate, and cry scalded dogs when the courts don’t tow their line.

  7. over 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    Succinctly put. Well done!

  8. over 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    Really how so?!? Who has been denied what exactly? This decision said individuals who own companies and don’t want to pay for insurance to cover all 20 medications covered by obama care; but instead wants the right to buy coverage that only covers 16. Sixteen is a lot of methods; and the other four are still not being denied to these women. And they all can be had for under 50 bucks in any pharmacy. So get “ALL” the facts before you speak (be good Democrat, not a dumb one).

  9. over 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    Oh good another person who is being lead around by Democratic rhetoric without bothering to know what they are talking about. This decision is about 4 out 20 birth control medications that the insured can still but on their. The owners don’t want to pay for those methods due to their religious beliefs. Since you seem to want to make us believe you spend a lot of time studying issues and just want to protect the Constitution. I suggest you actually read what happened here. All freedoms have been protected; nothing has been denied. Speaking without all the information just makes you look like an idiot.

  10. over 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    Dial back the rhetoric wbr! This decision is about 4 of 20 birth control/termination medications that that the religious owners of Lobby Hobby don’t want to pay for. Meaning they still pay for 16; and the other 4 can be bought for less than 50 bucks at drug stores. And if that becomes a hardship for anyone they should reconsider their lifestyle; instead of wasting the courts time.