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If I recall my history lessons correctly, that event amounted to significant tax cuts, breaking away from the British Monarchy. A whole slew of taxes were ignored by the colonists after that.
At least it appears that Meggs has 10 toes available …
They both have an “umpire”
Couldn’t tell the difference on the socks, but the dad’s pajama top had buttons on one side, and missing them on the other …
Click here to hear it on YouTube.
I think it was “Exterminate, EXTERMINATE!!”
You gotta figure that there HAS to be a “male” ladybug somewhere or else they couldn’t reproduce?
Are any of those idiots “useful” ??
They must be having quite a large party to feed with that huge pot on the stove!
Older bills …. those are the ones that need to be laundered you know ;)
If I recall my history lessons correctly, that event amounted to significant tax cuts, breaking away from the British Monarchy. A whole slew of taxes were ignored by the colonists after that.