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- about 13 years ago on Luann
about 13 years ago
on [Deleted]
As mentioned, venting is normally not done by one, but by a team. But the risk of collapse is always there. It is also for safety reasons that a ladder is laid down upon the roof for extra support. Certain ladders are able to hook themselves to the peak of a pitched roof and not slide off. .In the event of one going through, as mentioned by another, we carry webbing that can be use. Also, current bunker gear have a webbing strap built into the back that is accessed under the collar, it is looped under the armpits internally, so when pulled, sufficient support is available to pull/drag or lift in a dire emergency situation, the individual out. If an aerial platform truck is there at the time, yes it can be used.
about 13 years ago
on Luann
Yes, those movies/shows are nice, but they use their Hollywood license to do as they please, not keeping to reality. I actually applaud Greg for keeping it more real than they do, but I hear you, it’s just a cartoon. And a darned good one at that..@Kathe, yes, here in Texas. We have volunteer depts around us that we give and receive mutual aid with all the time. I do this for a living, like Brad.
about 13 years ago
on [Deleted]
I think Greg did include the SCBA’s, just not that noticeable. If you look at Toni’s back, the black shadow in front of Brad’s right hand looks like the tank. Hence everybody having black shoulder straps, just no face masks dawned.
about 13 years ago
on Luann
Perhaps, or that their captain made the comment earlier as to why he first separated them, they may still be at different stations. When a fire occurs, different stations converge onto the scene. I see more than one truck there.
about 13 years ago
on Luann
First off, he’s not their Chief, he’s their captain. And as he is assuming Incident Commander, he would be in the position to order personnel where he needs them to be. And yes, ventilating a roof is very dangerous. It is usually done with more than one person. Brad may be going to assist. And as always, training and education of fire ground activities have instilled the base line of personal safety first. Roofs are not just climbed upon during fires without first checking their stability. The axe in his hand is used to pound the area with the top of its flat head to check for soft spots before proceeding.
over 13 years ago
on Luann
Somebody a while back mentioned TJ possibly being a major share holder of WW. This would be a really good twist if he was here now as a secret boss, like on the tv reality show. Then Ann gets called away to a meeting with corporate unaware that when she enters the room, TJ is sitting along side other suits at the table. That would be awesome to see the expression on her face.
over 13 years ago
on Luann
@Talker123In case you forgot, Brad is already an EMT. That is where he met Toni. That was the first part of training to become a firefighter. My state has now implemented in order to be an EMT, it takes a two year associates degree. But Brad has already been certified, or grandfathered if you will. He just needs to keep up his training hours to maintain his status. He has not been out of the fire station that long to have a cause for concern. I still don’t know why there are no private ambulance services where he lives. He could make some good money with them.
over 13 years ago
on Luann
@px eliezer regarding Toni as a firefighter, her hair has nothing to do with her duties as a firefighter. She can, and probably does, tie it up into a bun. The only hair in question that would affect her job is facial hair, which she does not have. Proper mask to face seal is why no beards are allowed in the fire service.
@Raspberryice54 I’m not sure what state you live in, but at my job, they take sexual harassment very seriously no matter what sex you are. We are required to attend sensitivity training inservices, at which both our HR and city attorney are present and speak at. It goes both ways, believe me.
And one thing I can not understand is why Brad is not working for a private ambulance service. I work fire and ems as 911 calls come in, but yet there are more private services driving around my small size city than you can shake a stick at. We only have one hospital and a couple of nursing homes. A lot of our medics and basics pick up jobs with them to make extra money on their days off. Brad could be making a good paycheck working for them full time.
He was either giving out free food or at half price discounts as part of his plan.