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I love your comics, Richard. This one as well as Cul de Sac. I ran across a bio video about you the other day. I’m so sorry that you have such an illness. I am praying for you!
I don’t care it is the first strip. I’m doing a happy dance to get a daily dose of the mischievous machinations of Med!
Projectionist, time to change the reel.
MOM!!! Wake up and fix the comic please!
Some days you need a bit of salt to make the sugar seem all the sweeter on other days.
Spooky Dude. (aka George Soros)
You should have bet on, Last at Winning, Andy.
Your voices are about as crazy as mine, John. ;-)
Free range orange?
It can’t be found because someone filed a DMCA complaint and had the music pulled from the internet.
I love your comics, Richard. This one as well as Cul de Sac. I ran across a bio video about you the other day. I’m so sorry that you have such an illness. I am praying for you!