
Rick Castellini Premium

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  1. 8 months ago on Gary Markstein

    Tired of the trope/narrative that we are “divided” AND there are only two choices. Look to ANY other first world country to see that only two parties running a country does NOT exist (most recently look at Britain and France). It’s ludicrous.

    As to us being divided, here are the facts:

    244 million eligible USA voters

    168 million registered voters

    38.7 million Democrats42.5 million Republicans76 million unregistered Americans86.8 million Independents

    The “division” is in the number of citizens who do NOT participate in our system, and as you can see, Dems and Repubs pale in comparison to Independents!

    Most of us want the SAME thing: Good schools for our kids, a fair wage for the work we do, pot hole free streets, fire and police protection and affordable food and housing.

  2. 11 months ago on Steve Breen

    Despicable propaganda. As an independent, I haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate since 1992 (I still kick myself for not voting my conscience that day) and listening to propagandists like Breen. Since then I’ve done the math every election and with our poor turnout, third party candidates bring MORE voters to the polls. Yes, some may decide to vote for an independent vs one of the duopoly candidates, but they don’t “steal” or “give” votes to or for someone…they vote for who they want!! Simple as that. This type of propaganda is completely antithetical to the American dream-goal. Yikes, this type of stuff angers me more than almost anything in politics except for our do-nothing duopoly autocrats that we stupidly elect every single election.

  3. about 1 year ago on [Deleted]

    Surprised this is a Darrin Bell strip!

  4. over 2 years ago on Candorville

    Too bad this comic spreads this fallacy about the American public (now defined as Democrats or Republicans). The REAL stats are: only 84% of eligible population (which is less than 65% of our population) are registered to vote. Break that down to how they register, and it looks like this:18.43% register as Democrats 13.73% register as Republicans51.76% register as Independent or Other

    So all this nonsense about a “divided America” is designed TO divide us. Think! Read! Question!

  5. over 3 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Love these binary takes that make everyone excited…don’t even consider that less than 13% of our (USA) population has contracted the disease ( 41,000,000 cases), and less than 2% of those who contracted it have perished (664,000). Much easier to NOT think or scrutinize facts. THINK. READ.

  6. almost 6 years ago on JumpStart

    If you have enough time to leave this long winded and highly inaccurate response, take a fraction of the time and use the internet to LEARN about topics you don’t understand BEFORE commenting on them.

  7. almost 6 years ago on JumpStart

    Did not mean to leave a “like”…meant to hit comment to let you know that you are FOC and have no concept of how an EV works and what they are capable of which is one huge reason we continue to use 100+ year old technology in our transportation system.

  8. almost 6 years ago on JumpStart

    Awesome to see an EV featured in a comic!!