The anarchists who showed up for the inauguration have been quoted as saying they would have shown up regardless of who won the elections. They are an issue by themselves.
Otherwise, all protests in DC have been peaceful. The right to assemble (and by extension protest) is part of the 1st Amendment. Nothing is more American than peaceful protests.
Um…so…the NAACP was founded by a bunch of people most of whom were white (says so right on their site – ). The issue isn’t her employment at the .org itself; it’s that she said she was something she wasn’t.
Metro was never designed to carry the number of passengers it currently carries. Add to that a lack of attention to infrastructure during the 1990s and you have the perfect storm of broken equipment.
Head Start is more than academics. It also makes sure poor kids, like I was, get a good breakfast. You can’t learn when all you can think about is how hungry you are.
Aw man…the Louisville Bats are awesome :)