The “bandids” have become pirates (although there is no ship around), and in panel 3 they are bandits. What else are they? Robbers, brigands, cutthroats, privateers…
In the meantime, Harrigan does not watch the brawl idly. He offers the bandits to place a bet on the winner, and all the suckers bet on Rambul, much to Harrigan’s delight.
Tarzan: “Come closer, Rambo or whatever your name is… a few more steps… don’t look at the ground, look at me. Always watch your opponent.”
Tarzan is content that the bandits’ attention was at Harrigan, so no one was watching him for several minutes, setting a trap. The dust cloud Rambul made also helped him to camouflage the pit.
If he returns with Tarzan, no way the police will recognize him.