Believe it or not, many people save BEFORE Christmas. We spend the savings, and when that runs out, we stop spending. There aren’t any extra bills in January.
Once upon a time banks actually had special savings accounts to budget through the year, called Christmas Clubs. You saved all year and in November, you got the money to spend.
My level of ambi is things that require strength, like swinging a hammer, or throwing a ball, I use my right hand. While things that require precision, like writing on paper, fixing eyeglasses and computers, eating, I use my left hand. Then there are cases where I can use either hand. writing on the blackboard, working in tight spaces (if I can’t reach it with one hand I switch to the other)
There are a couple of bars on Baltic Ave. Including an Applebee’s, a Wingcraft Kitchen and Beer Bar, and The Seed: A Living Beer Project.
Hint, The Monopoly board is based on Atlantic City NJ.