My retired parents are poor and live on Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. They need heating and food assistance. Currently all these programs are being threatened for cuts.
Those tariffs on foreign made goods will be tacked onto the price tags here. Are you ready for Walmart and Target prices to double, along with the foods that are imported during our “off-season.” If we get a killing frost in California or Florida, we will be more dependent on foreign grown fruits and veggies over the winters.
I still say “None of the above” needs to be on the ballot in all elections. Even if it’s a non-binding candidate, it shows the parties that we’re not voting for their candidate just because “they’re not the other guy.”
Not directly, there is a level of conjecture to this strip. There have been quite a few strips where Will has complained about being neutered. Read through the rest of the comments and it will show we’re on the same train of thought.
Shouldn’t there be another try in there, so there’s three tries in there?