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Fatcat vs. Food! Leo wins!
I’m not really a fan of maple syrup, I wonder if you could add a different kind of flavor and get a good result?
LOL!! Too good, I think your theory holds merit…
James deserves the break! Leo eats so much he won’t miss it anyway, lol.
I wonder if it would be good with beef stock…I don’t really like chicken all that much.
Aw c’mon Leo! LOL
One of my favorites, the four tops
Reminds me of my sisters when they watched a scary movie, lol.
I tend to agree with this theory, although it is not very accepted among fundamentalists, I cannot be blind to evidence. I am a believer in god, but don’t think the two have to be exclusive. The bible has a lot of passages that are not literal.
rising temperatures can cause an increase in Co2 levels, not the other way around.
Fatcat vs. Food! Leo wins!