
gmonica52 Free

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  1. about 9 years ago on Ben

    I think he’s poking fun at the whole idea of selfies

  2. almost 10 years ago on Ben

    Eeeeek! Stuble!!!

  3. almost 10 years ago on Ben

    That is a very sweet sentiment and would that we all find partners who see us that way

  4. about 10 years ago on Ben

    How ’bout recipes using hot dogs? Could be a good way to introduce new tastes and likes…

  5. about 10 years ago on Ben

    I agree.This strip often hits the right balance, I think.

  6. about 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    I guess I don’t think the motivation of school and work are coming from the same place. Yes kids could do with external motivation such as praise, even rewards like seeing a movie etc but the purpose of a job is to earn money whereas the purpose of school is not to receive money. It is to be taught, given knowledge, in the same way you do a sport or learn a skill. If the rewards for that are all tied into money, I’m not sure I agree.

  7. about 10 years ago on Ben

    Isn’t the satisfaction of a job well done enough?? Feeling good with doing good? Not everything has to bring a reward (at least not money or material) for it to be worth it doing it well.

  8. about 10 years ago on Ben

    Just started a 3000 piece puzzle—how crazy is that???If we don’t finish it, it’ll be passed down to the other generations to finish! :)

  9. about 10 years ago on Ben

    I miss Matthew!!!!

  10. about 10 years ago on Ben

    I don’t see why—Liv is looking pretty good!