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  1. over 12 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Water_moon, If my cat got lose and you “eliminated” it…. I’d “eliminate” you.

  2. over 12 years ago on Pluggers

    I have to ask… if low IQ is related to having tattoos, and you don’t have any… what’s your excuse? Were you dropped as an infant?

  3. over 12 years ago on Pluggers
    To the people that obsess about what a tattoo will look like when these people are “old”, pick up a tattoo magazine sometime. You may be surprised to find how many “old people” are still getting ink!Oh, and the quality of the inks used has improved since your grandfather’s generation got inked. So, my tattoos aren’t going to look like your grandfathers when I’m his age. But please, feel free to continue in your willful ignorance. It shows who the real idiots are.
  4. over 12 years ago on Pluggers

    YAWN! Same can be said for hairstyles / colors, fashions, trendy gadgets (I’m talking to all you Apple product addicts out there). I’d be willing to bet most tattooed people have a better sense of thier identity than you do. Jealous much?

  5. over 12 years ago on Pluggers

    Wow! That was a truly moronic thing to say.

  6. over 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    I’m chill. Just a bit of a wordsmith is all. I get a laugh out of people using terms they don’t really know the meaning or context of. Some people really do believe that by not having a computer they’re keeping personal information about themselves off line.

    Not saying you’re one of these people, just throwing that out there as unsolicited truth.There’s great value in saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Yet another lesson lost on people of today.By the way, engaging people on message boards is something I do for fun, sorry you take it seriously. Perhaps it is you who needs to relax.
  7. over 12 years ago on Arlo and Janis
    I think it’s funny all the people commenting on here how they don’t use Facebook. But, you all use message boards. That is what’s called a distinction without a difference. Don’t think this site collects your information? It does! So sad. Banks, Stores, Resturants… any place you have transactions with have information about you stored on line. Even your employer (and the Social Security Agency too).

    In this case ignorance is not bliss, and what you don’t know (or refuse to learn) can, and likely at some point will hurt you. I know enough to know I don’t know enough about what people know about or have access to about me. But at least I’m not lying to myself about it.

    I do what I can to control my personal information. I don’t give it to anyone that doens’t absolutely “NEED” it, and I don’t post anything on-line that I don’t have to.
  8. over 12 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Anyone who thinks they can drop “off the grid” just by not having a computer or deleting (or not having) a Facebook account, is dangerously out of touch with the reality of the world they’re living in.

    You are “on line” whether you like it or not. Even if you don’t have, and never had a computer. Everything there is to know about you is on line. Don’t believe me? Check “maps” on your cell phone (or borrow a friends, even basic phones have this now). Type in your street, then zoom in. You can see your house!Heh, and that’s not all! Anything and I mean ANYTHING anyone could ever want or need to know about you is on-line. The steps necessary to drop “off the grid” are practically impossible! Ever been to a bank, mall, store, parking garage…. Congratulations! you’re on camara! Know what that means? Yup, what you look like is in several databases.Shall I go on?So, lie to yourself all you like. Truth is, even if you never use a computer, you’re on-line! The day is coming where you won’t be able to do certain things if you don’t have a computer. Hell, even a cell phone can do most of what computers can do. Even regular phones are becoming “smart phones”. Oh, and your phone has a GPS chip in it. Know all those cool apps that make it easy for you to find things?Yeah, they also make it easy to find you. Go ahead and shut off the GPS feature, you can be tracked by the cell towers your phone connects to.Sleep tight.
  9. over 12 years ago on Non Sequitur
    Would you care to cite examples of that? Othewise I’ll dismiss it as liberal hogwash.
  10. over 12 years ago on Pluggers

    Tattooing and the inks themselves have improved significantly. People don’t just use India Ink anymore. A well cared for tattoo will stay beautiful for several decades. My first is going on 20yrs and has only faded slightly. But, what do I know?