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  1. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Those who follow this strip may enjoy a play at Dartmouth this weekend called “Faking It”. This is a drama about the privileged elite who call Dartmouth home. Its also about too much alcohol, sorry relationships, and just getting by in a very selective liberal arts college.

    FAKING ITFriday, August 19, 8 pm Sunday, August 21, 8 pm Bentley Theater, Hopkins Center for the ArtsFree admission!Written by Laura Neill Directed by Jaymes Sanchez Produced by Jen Jaco Sponsored by the Winthrop Bean Fund for the Theatre Arts, the Displaced Theater Company, and the Dartmouth Theater Department.***Contains profanity and adult themesFurther information can be found at:Contact:Hopkins Center Box Office, 603-646-2422