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  1. about 12 years ago on Luann

    She probably took the reverse camera and took the picture herself.

  2. about 12 years ago on Luann

    Well, Greg did confess he dropped the ball on this arc – did a pissant poor job. Well, move on to next arc…this one is done with.

  3. about 12 years ago on Luann

    Luann is many people to many of us….but it IS annoying that Greg is clinging to the memory of his daughter where Luann is concerned. Her daughter is now grown and I believe married. Greg needs to move Luann beyond her daughter and make her more well-rounded normal teenage girl. He kept her chaste because he wants her to remain his “daughter” from the time she was a little girl. Not very many girls today are as chaste so Luann is a little unrealistic by today’s standards. Even if I had a daughter, and I was a teenage girl once myself, I would have trouble relating to Luann just because of how Greg portrays her as being. I also taught high school and girls like Luann are considered BACKWARDS, not normal or average. Liz and April from FBOFW were portrayed closer to normal teenagers than Luann ever has been.

  4. about 12 years ago on Luann

    Since Luann was originally patterned after Greg’s daughter, maybe this is his way of preserving his image of her as daddy’s chaste little girl.Pfft. His daughter is now grown, in her 30s, and quite UNvirginal. Get over it, Greg. Luann is no longer your human daughter. She is now just a cartoon character. Get on with that!

  5. about 12 years ago on Luann

    Tiff never got her screen test of course – it was her fantasy, not reality. She ended up a gofer.

  6. about 12 years ago on Luann

    eye rolling Quill’s dad can’t WAIT for Quill to get home to notify him – he had to CALL him?? People today communicate by cell phones, not face to face, and when it comes to family, it is just sad!Now this arc – I agree. It is getting old and lame. There is always something going wrong with Luann’s romances. Married guy (Stuart), Dorky (Gunther), Uinterested (Aaron), Off Limits (Ben), Date Rapist (Miguel), Eccentric (Elwood), and UnAmerican (Quill). Come on, Greg. Give Luann a regular guy for a change. Give Luann an Quill who is a Pittsville resident and a citizen of the country, please. (yeah, I think I missed a few other suitors…)

  7. over 12 years ago on Luann

    Well, well, they got further than Brad and Toni ever did….in a bad, kissing, lying down. The place we ever see Brad and Toni do anything romantic is on Brad’s sofa and they are sitting up. Brad really needs to take Toni into his bedroom. Quill probably should come over and show him how.

  8. over 12 years ago on Luann

    They had kissed before so why the “we finally did it” moment?? Kissing was that exhausting for them? I am guessing it was the stress that was exhausting. Okay, go rest for a moment…leave us in suspense.

  9. over 12 years ago on Luann

    I wasn’t allowed to be in my g/f’s bedroom AT ALL, EVER…let alone the home alone with her….I’ve been alone in a bedroom with my boyfriend on many occasions over the course of our 3+ year relationship, and I’ve yet to drop my panties because of it.

    Looks like you are sexually confused…no wonder you haven’t dropped your panties after 3+ years with a supposedly b/f. I have to say I am really surprised your b/f is still with you after 3+ years of platonic relationship.

    Now I understand why you said those things yesterday in reply to my posts. I must say you have unusual take on relationships than the majority of people. My view is you don’t have a sexual relationship with your b/f – it is something else entirely. When two adults don’t take clothes off and engage in an intimate act, the relationship becomes something else. I am not sure if he should be even called a b/f because the title implies intimate relationship.

  10. over 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    Your post is a good indication that those two will only talk and do nothing on that bed. No, it indicates that we are going to be surprised.He’s said that before and the reveal was lame so I am doubtful it’ll be anything exciting.