I read the newspapers and I watch the news. When I listen to these people talk, the people who swore to represent us, I do not hear the words of a patriot. Instead I hear the excuses and promises (on both sides) of a man who only wants another term in office. When i look on the streets, I do not see proud Americans. I see blind sheep, who forgot their part in this great country. I cannot believe what I hear from some of these comments. “America’s insatiable greed” what is that supposed to mean? Capitalism made this country, it spawned the American dream. But now, we call it evil, because politicians tell us to do so. “Socialism” so they say “is the only way everyone can be happy and equal”. Do they not see that socialism has failed every time throughout history?” Do they not realize that they are destroying what made this country great? We stand back trying to figure out who is at fault. I will save you some thought. You, the people, have failed my country. You, the people, have forgotten what in means to be American. You, the people, are the reason why we are in bad times today. You, my brothers, have forgotten what it means to be a patriot. This country will only fall if we stand by and let it. Will you not remember your part as an American and patriot, and save our country from destruction?
your colors are gone…youve become rather gray….your not like the dip that I knew yesterday…….Something is wrong youve become rather gray…youre not the dip that I had yesterday….
sigh…….if evalution were true, why dont we have thousands of tranistional fossils?….you say you have “mountains of evidence” but that amounts to fewer than 20 highly questionable fossils……if you look at the fossil record as a whole….you will find that “transitional stages” are practically non- existant…….Macroevalution never orccured….
Some? yes…plenty?….far from….if it was true…we should have found hundreds transitional fossils, around the world….and seeing as we have not found a large number of these, we cannot prove evalution…..In short…..if evalution was in fact truth, the world should be littered with transitional fossils……
I read the newspapers and I watch the news. When I listen to these people talk, the people who swore to represent us, I do not hear the words of a patriot. Instead I hear the excuses and promises (on both sides) of a man who only wants another term in office. When i look on the streets, I do not see proud Americans. I see blind sheep, who forgot their part in this great country. I cannot believe what I hear from some of these comments. “America’s insatiable greed” what is that supposed to mean? Capitalism made this country, it spawned the American dream. But now, we call it evil, because politicians tell us to do so. “Socialism” so they say “is the only way everyone can be happy and equal”. Do they not see that socialism has failed every time throughout history?” Do they not realize that they are destroying what made this country great? We stand back trying to figure out who is at fault. I will save you some thought. You, the people, have failed my country. You, the people, have forgotten what in means to be American. You, the people, are the reason why we are in bad times today. You, my brothers, have forgotten what it means to be a patriot. This country will only fall if we stand by and let it. Will you not remember your part as an American and patriot, and save our country from destruction?