
BillyJL Free

Oncology research

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  1. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    LOL I’m sitting on the goComics page while eating dinner and I keep looking at your gif. It’s cracking me up. :-D

  2. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    In theory, you can watch Amazon Instant Videos from anywhere. We’ve watched only on our iPad, and only a small handful of times. Since we’re a Mac household, we can take videos and music from our iPhone, iMac, and Macbook laptop and push it to our TV via our Apple TV streaming box. Since our TV is also hooked up to speakers, it’s awesome.Netflix and our TV is the best combination though. Mostly our den looks like Nasa Operations. And unlike Nasa (probably) we get popcorn. :-DOur main benefit to spending $79 a year for Amazon Prime is 2-day free shipping on all of our orders. It pays for itself in a couple months.

  3. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    We’re having a Halloween night next Friday, Aaron’s only night off. Charlie Brown, then Young Frankenstein. We have a Yoda outfit for LMBSoooo many great YF lines. :-D[Froederick and Igor are exhuming a dead criminal]Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: What a filthy job.Igor: Could be worse.Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: How?Igor: Could be raining.[it starts to pour]

  4. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    Cathy Cathy, quite contraryCouldn’t help it. Aaron set me up.

    Hi Mom!
  5. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Damn your eyes.Igor: [to camera] Too late.

  6. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    At least you can eat canned peaches (old-fashioned way or supermarket way) and YUM! to that. Mom, leave Cathy alone. She can be a nut job on her own just fine. It’s a terrible thing you did giving her your silly genes.

    hi mom! :-) Hulu Plus, I forgot that one. We also have Amazon Prime, and can get shows that way too, but mostly we love the 2-day shipping. Netflix is our go-to way to get our college buds to come to dinner or a way to chill out after sports nights. I don’t do home-alone well, with TV or not.Hi evening folks. kittycatpawsare are you there? I don’t think we’ve seen you in a while.
  7. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    Love the little heart above Cathy’s head. Now we can all see that’s she’s Cathy being Cathy.


    Late home . . . LMB had a vet appointment. As is his way, the vet was so nice to him he let her rub his tummy. He’s not fickle but he’s a pushover. :-D

  8. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    Mom! how about a Netflix subscription? We pay $8 a month for streaming only (no DVD in the mail). Our DVD player has built-in Internet. Cheap and easy — and TONS of TV shows, not just movies.

  9. over 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    Oops, I forgot about the side-effects. I’ll join you down there and bring a cup of tea. :-)

  10. over 12 years ago on Cathy Classics

    Hi shyygirl. Not quite midterms time around here with our friends yet. However, midterms and finals bring several friends to our place for studies and food. LMB is an amazing host. His reward for gaining useful knowledge is to let his student buddies rub his tummy. So selfless. :-D