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- over 12 years ago on Luann
over 12 years ago
on [Deleted]
Naaa, it don’t work like that. Breaking into a mailbox to get a letter back is breaking the law. And simply to get back a love letter? That doesn’t justify anything these three are doing.
over 12 years ago
on Luann
Uhhhmmm, okay. I think?
over 12 years ago
on Luann
Remember way-way-way back when Toni went in to fight for Brad with Ann? I said then that she’s gonna be busy taking over for Brad because he won’t be “forceful” enough. Looks like she’s still doing that.
Seems to me that just because she has issues with love and trust, she doesn’t have the right to interfere in Luann’s relationships.
Maybe, just maybe, Brad’s mom DOES have a reason to not like the girl.
over 12 years ago
on Luann
Finally! We’re spared any more scenes with the self-absorbed one.
over 12 years ago
on Luann
Y’know, if Tiff was real, she’d be in heaven right now. I mean THINK about it. For probably three weeks whe’s been in every single strip. It’s been all about her.
Isn’t it time to finally put this entire arc to rest and start focusing on some of the other characters instead of this blonde parking lot rain puddle?
over 12 years ago
on Luann
Repost your comment leaving out the words “…like you…” and everything after “twits.” and you have the perfect description of Twit-ffany. She’s obnoxious. She’s self-absorbed. And it’s astounding that Crystal can bear to be around her. And the funniest thing about the movie will be that she probably won’t even be able to recognize herself in the crowd scene. She’ll be just one blonde out of about a thousand.
over 12 years ago
on Luann
It’s just a shame that Luann’s taking it personally, instead of seeing it as Tiffany’s cheesy attempt to be “seductive” and alluring. What an unbeatable combination—a hot babe telling a guy how strong and manly he is.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to draw in voices. It would be really funny to see Tiffany turn around, see Luann with the bottle and with lotion on her hand, and have Luann say in a deep manly voice, “So, honey, how’s that.”
The “eww” factor is way-y-y up there.
“Funny” would be for one of her friends to pass by and says, “Hey, Luann, I didn’t know you’re into girls.”
over 12 years ago
on Luann
Actually, since she’s convinced that Quill can’t wait to get his hands all over her (and since she’s already expecting him to be slathering her up) I’d say the real reason she doesn’t know it’s Luann is because she isn’t expecting it.
over 12 years ago
on Luann
“Quill is a very, very happy man.”
Of course he is. Not only does he get to laugh at Tiffany, he has LuAnn leaning against him. This has to be a good thing.
I don’t know if anyone posted this before but does it look like Leslie is wearing a shirt they give inmates in prison?