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  1. over 10 years ago on Dick Tracy

    You would think if they were not actually in 1944, there would be modern day air traffic visible somewhere. Nothing has been seen in the skies over the town…and nothing of the town has been reported from the air.

  2. over 11 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Here’s a left field possibility…The truck (diesel fueled?) is filled with fertilizer (Ammonium Nitrate?), making it a potential car-bomb. Junior, Tracy, and Mysta wind up tracking Sparkle down. The truck accidentally comes in contact with fire (a possible igniter would be Mysta’s electrical powers). Realizing the danger she has put Sparkle in, Mysta gets Sparkle out of the truck, only to be caught in the explosion herself and replaying the original Moon Maid’s demise. Just brainstorming.

  3. over 11 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Happy “Daddy” day all. S Tim Sail = Stem Cell.

  4. over 11 years ago on Dick Tracy

    What if Dr. Sail was on the cutting edge of stem cell research and implanted some Moon Maid cells into an unwitting subject? Honey Moon is proof that human and Moon people DNA is compatable. Perhaps Dick Tracy and crew should start looking into missing persons cases for women of the proper age and physical likeness?

  5. almost 12 years ago on Dick Tracy

    The only reference I could find was from “The Millionaire of Dismal Downs” in which $crooge McDuck buys a broadcloth frock coat at Scottish rummage sale and apparently winds up getting paid for the transaction.

  6. over 12 years ago on Dick Tracy

    I wonder if Tess would fit into a Moon Maid costume…?

  7. over 12 years ago on Dick Tracy

    He’s Bad Boy…smoking by a gas pump.

  8. over 12 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Maybe they’ll dig up Denny Colt while they’re at it.

  9. over 12 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Tracy fans: If the stars and Moon line up, close to this time next year, there will be an event at a location between Woodstock and Naperville, IL that will have a Dick Tracy tie in. The groundwork is being laid. Stay Tooned!

  10. over 12 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Guess I called it right…

    “knightwatchman said, 2 days ago

    Could Phishface be an online predator or running a clearinghouse for ill-gotten personal banking information and credit card account swiping? In phishig scemes “baits” are used in hopes that the potential victim will “bite” by clicking a link or attachment and their financial information and passwords can be stolen."