Willie007: Maybe they are exaggerated in my mind because I sense that there may be more than are currently posting – I grant that the majority want Mysta around for good – perhaps causing some to hold their posts for now.
When such posts have appeared, they seemed rather emotional – and I’ll leave it at that.
I also include those posts in which several have tried to insist that Mysta must be a clone or some other kind of regenerate fake. Not sure of your feelings, but I don’t see a future for the Moon Maid if she’s any kind of a fake.
The story I want to see told is that of a man who has married two women, both in good faith, fully believing that his first wife was dead – though, now we know otherwise.
Not sure that DT is the place for that story. DT has to fill that story with other subplots, such as crime and often death.
And I suppose it doesn’t help that Mysta is an alien from a planet known to be lifeless. And we also find ourselves trying to invent a kind of science in which Mysta survives a blast that would otherwise have been considered certain death.
Mysta’s survival also suggests yet more conspiracy theories; if she didn’t die, what happened at the coroner’s office? Who’s buried in Mysta’s tomb?
In the mean time, Mysta has committed a crime – she assaulted Sparkle – though enough crumbs have been dropped to make it possible for that event to not be detected.
Many have complimented Team Tracy on having crafted such a complex and multi-layered story, which they have done.
But I am unsure as to where (or whether) the story I had hoped to see will ever rise to the top of all these subplots!
Willie007: Maybe they are exaggerated in my mind because I sense that there may be more than are currently posting – I grant that the majority want Mysta around for good – perhaps causing some to hold their posts for now.
When such posts have appeared, they seemed rather emotional – and I’ll leave it at that.
I also include those posts in which several have tried to insist that Mysta must be a clone or some other kind of regenerate fake. Not sure of your feelings, but I don’t see a future for the Moon Maid if she’s any kind of a fake.
The story I want to see told is that of a man who has married two women, both in good faith, fully believing that his first wife was dead – though, now we know otherwise.
Not sure that DT is the place for that story. DT has to fill that story with other subplots, such as crime and often death.
And I suppose it doesn’t help that Mysta is an alien from a planet known to be lifeless. And we also find ourselves trying to invent a kind of science in which Mysta survives a blast that would otherwise have been considered certain death.
Mysta’s survival also suggests yet more conspiracy theories; if she didn’t die, what happened at the coroner’s office? Who’s buried in Mysta’s tomb?
In the mean time, Mysta has committed a crime – she assaulted Sparkle – though enough crumbs have been dropped to make it possible for that event to not be detected.
Many have complimented Team Tracy on having crafted such a complex and multi-layered story, which they have done.
But I am unsure as to where (or whether) the story I had hoped to see will ever rise to the top of all these subplots!