
Lacus Free

A wanna-be cartoonist, Lacus is an anthropomorphic toon fan and science fiction fan.

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  1. about 13 years ago on Endtown

    I actually am not sure the dittos are capable of such actions, but boy is it fun to watch the topsiders freak out in ignorance of that. I think that in the end it will be their sheer panic and ignorance that is their defeat, how appropriate that the calm, arrogant topsiders get to be done in by being spooked by a living television screen.

  2. about 13 years ago on Endtown

    You know, I think there’s a reason Petey called the dittos vermin, something tells me that they have something against the topsiders…and they programmed their vehicles to usually take care of it. Makes you wonder why the transporter right now isn’t responding to this, doesn’t it? And oh, that Topsider may have a mask, but you can still FEEL his utter terror, methinks we found the one enemy that the topsiders feel legitimately threatened by.

  3. about 13 years ago on [Deleted]

    I personally love your comic too Jenner, I haven’t gotten around to catching up past 2007 yet but I’m dedicated to trying to read every single one. I appreciate Doc Rat as I am also an anthropomorphic toon fan that’s interested in the medical sciences. Of course, I’m dealing with the research side of things when I get my schooling done, which comes with it’s own frustrations…

  4. about 13 years ago on Endtown

    Now that gocomics has fixed my account activation, I can finally comment! Yay! Anyway, I already picked up a lot of clues and I can safely say our favorite heroes are not exactly dead, so everyone needs to chill out and stick around for next week. Aaron has something very interesting, unique, and incredibly meticulous planned like he always does, if you’re truly a fan of Aaron you need to be patient and have faith in what he’s planning. We will not only be finding out about Flask and Petey (which is part of the clues I’ve been picking up) but we will more than likely be given an explanation for Linda, Holly, and Wally too.

    I will leave you with a hint, since I’m tired of seeing people threatening to leave because they can’t handle the idea of a non-Hollywood ending.

    They are both alive and dead, if my suspicions are correct. ;)