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  1. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    I do wonder where is Piro if he’s so into Silent Movies . Now I wonder what Gunther will do on the next Monday strip since he now realized that Bernice proably used the Silent Movie Set up to get Piro because she’s like him . Wouldn’t it be interesting if Tiff ran into Piro talked him out of going to the Silent Film to show up to Dez movie in hopes that she could give Bernice and Gunther some alone time .

  2. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    IMO, I bet Tiff and Piro are the only ones who are going to show to Dez movie while Bernice will get the whole lot of people to her movie and then when Bernice ask Piro why he didn’t come to the movie she was showing he more likely could had said he saw that it was crowded and don’t like crowds or that the movie Dez was aiing was more a favorite to him than what Bernice was airing .

  3. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    I think your correct that Piro and Gunther will end up on the loveseat together and Bernice will be on the chair next to the loveseat . I think Gunther will show up first then Piro who joins Gunther on the loveseat. Piro is probably gay and he will think Bernice is being a matchmaker as in a date for him with Gunther. Poor Gunther.

  4. about 9 years ago on [Deleted]

    If that was true then we wouldn’t had Anne Eiffel in the past .

  5. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Bernice don’t go after Pru because that is going to be what she wants you too do so she can learn from you that Quill is all the way free . I don’t trust Pru one single bit . To me Pru is controlling,manipulative and possessive . She has shown that behavior and I believe that Pru did hook up with Quil in NY because she called him a man when talking about that Boomerang Necklace .

    Before Quill left for NY he was in deep passion with Luann nearly going all the way and then when he comes back from NY its like its gone as I don’t even think they even kissed since he came back . Plus, Quill only used Yank when Luann came to pick him up now he has been referring to her as Luann when Yank used to be her name all the time .

    Pru and Quill showed attachment with each other which Quill is going to be wishing he never met Pru because Pru is going to suddenly be showing her Tru colors to Quill as Pru will become possessive of Quill that I believe she will spy and stalk him. What will happen with Bernice she will be smug and grinning possibly with laughter inside . Then if Quill shows up she will play him like she’s the damsel whose getting hurt .

    Her other signs of manipulative behavior is how she Invited herself to the show at The Fuse without being invited . She just chose to show up there . Got people fond of her except for Bernice and Luann .

    Pru knew that Luann didn’t trust her at all so when Pru made the decision that she was going to be still staying with the Degroots she had to sway Luann by doing a oh I grew up in a foster home which I think is a lie . Due to the fact that was said after the Christmas show clean when she said Quill and I don’t have family here . Which means she truly does have family .

    Plus, when Pru shows she’s so helpful , giving and so out there it’s a cover up or another way to get people to go oh she’s not that way because to me Pru is too good to be true .

  6. about 10 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I wish Lyn wouldn’t have restarted this strip it would have been better if she continued it as she already had Mike Kids in the pic, Liz wedding to Anthony, Liz becoming a stepmom. Mike Success as a book writer as what people say past belongs in the past stick with the present. they could have still had the for better or for worse. Show the realizing of Liz and Anthony finding out they having a baby together, them raising the baby and to see how the half sister reacts to the baby,showing how april goes thru vet school meets a handsome vet guy and they take over the family farm while being vets, get married and they have their own family. But right now they have Liz in kindergartener years. So I imagine in 5 years Lyn will be writing about Liz getting glasses.

  7. about 10 years ago on Luann

    He could have had a more likely chance to see Rosa again if he chose to head back to Lima to continue to work in Rosa Uncle’s office as those people surely needed his help and he was good at it. I’m for sure Rosa would have travel to see her Uncle a few times a year and could have had a better long distance relationship with Gunther that way .

  8. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    Remember how someone said OX parents could be the corporate people that Ann is hoping that by OX purchasing stuff will make her look good for the corporate so she could get a big bonus. I’m starting to think OX parents are the corporate people and to have a manager from their company to trick their son will get them really furious.

  9. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    I think if Ann wants to play the suing game I suggest TJ step up the suing game by saying Ann assaulted Shannon and shannon was defending herself, not only that get Ann on sexually harasment charges by having Brad bring her negliee from dry cleaners, touching people could also be consider harasment, get after Ann for terminating Brad for the wrong reasons,calling a big buyer behind his back rude names.

  10. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    Inside is correct and also if a kid is hiding from you they will be more likely laughing at you freaking out when you can’t find them.