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  1. over 12 years ago on Luann

    OK. So Luann moves to Australia and the strip becomes all about Brad and Toni.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    I knew this was a BAD IDEA!

  3. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    The problem with TJ’s plan is: Brad pops the question, Toni is at first stunned, she doesn’t respond immediately, then what does Brad do? If he blurts out “April Fools!” and Toni is still seriously considering his proposal, then Brad screws up BIG TIME! Forget about his Valentine’s Day miss…

  4. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    Proposals of marriage shouldn’t be the center of an April Fool’s joke! BAD IDEA! BAD! BAD!

  5. about 13 years ago on Luann

    I don’t read face smashing into the next series of frames. There may be a teacher interruption or maybe Leslie is really just all talk, no action. I really can’t see Gunther hitting the dude.

  6. about 13 years ago on Luann

    If all else fails, keep the backpack handy…

  7. about 13 years ago on Luann

    Leslie Knox was a navy ensign who died in the Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942. He was posthumously promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and awarded the Naval Cross.

  8. about 13 years ago on Luann

    Actually a destroyer escort…corrected.

  9. about 13 years ago on Luann

    Interesting that Leslie Knox was the name of a USS Destroyer in WWII…

  10. about 13 years ago on Luann

    I can see it coming…“A duel! Behind the gymnasium at 4 o’clock. You choose weapons…” “Backpacks!” Gunth says…