No bio available
Leo X was the last Pope who wasn’t a priest. He was also an atheist and gay. How did he become Pope? His family hadmoney and political power.
There’s always one in every group.
In the first panel, the Dad says "Don’t forget to “6ne” that note to your teacher." Is that a misprint or some new kind of textspeak?
It is JM (not JIM) J Bullock
First woman I ever knew who knew what really works.
I’d give her all the candy she wanted, and anything else
Any flea that bites the old bat is a goner!
cogito cogito ergo sum, cogitoi think, i think therefore i am, i think
My place to be stuck in a blizzard would be Barnes and Nobles—most of them have a Starbucks inside
Cartoons used to be fun, now you can’t have a cartoon unless it’s educational—-kids should have something that’s just fun once in a while.
Leo X was the last Pope who wasn’t a priest. He was also an atheist and gay. How did he become Pope? His family hadmoney and political power.