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dixiedually Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 1 year ago on Crankshaft

    This is boring, deleting from my favorites list!

  2. about 3 years ago on PC and Pixel

    sadly, people can’t READ anymore

  3. almost 4 years ago on PC and Pixel

    For people who had relatives suffer from the long term affects of Agent Orange, maybe this is in poor taste.

  4. about 9 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Does anyone else love the smell of Bactine? Sometimes I take a whiff of it and it takes be back to my childhood days :)

  5. about 10 years ago on Rose is Rose

    I agree K.C., Meemaw would never bore those boys, this is out of character for her.

  6. about 10 years ago on Garfield

    It is such a tender thing to cover a napping loved one with a warm cozy blanket.

  7. about 11 years ago on Pickles

    Now if someone can please clarify when to use “good” and “well” the English lesson will be complete. I think correcting a young person’s grammar is a good thing. You are going them a favor, if done properly. Happy comic reading everyone!

  8. over 11 years ago on Peanuts

    I remember when my mom DID do this. Sadly, the only reason she allowed the TV back in the house was 11/22/63.

  9. about 12 years ago on Peanuts

    ok I’ll bite. Poor Linus has a blanket hating Grandmother? I’d like to see that. Thanks

  10. about 12 years ago on Pickles

    no woman would ever buy just one pillow. When you made the bed, it wouldn’t like right. It would drive me crazy.