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  1. almost 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I just want to know where in the constitution it says that the Federal guvmint, has the authority to create and manage a pension fund. Is that the same amendment that allows them to monitor my internet activity(SOPA), infringes my 2nd amendment(I can’t buy a real assault rifle) And Yes to you dope smokin hippies the 2nd says ARMS, not rifles pistols and shotguns, and it ain’t about hunting. (it is about protecting ourselves from them) and I want the same kind of fire power they bring to the fight. And just FYI, IT IS NOT ACTUALLY AN “ASSAULT RIFLE” UNLESS IT CAN GO FULL AUTO. it is just that the media is full of stupid illiterate college grads and they don’t understand the English language.Violate my 5th, (seizing property without due process) and my 8th, (cruel punishment) I just got done doing my taxes last week, and I am still having twitches. I am self employed, so I don’t have a big corperation that can afford to hire people to do stuff for me because I am too stupid to do it for myself, no I HAVE to do it myself and it is a little complex than just submitting the W-2 you have.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    No, but she’s just as stupid (or dumb) as the rest. I heard her trying to explain Limbaugh’s comment’s on Sandra Fluke, (no I don’t listen to Rush, but I heard the whole thing) and it went right over the top of her. Rush was being superfluous and trenchant, to make his point and Maddow doesn’t understand (no liberal does) that stuff.

  3. almost 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Better to be a Teabagger than the tea-baggie…Google tea-bagging as relates to online gamingAnd no, I have only noticed that about dope smokin’ hippy liberals. Change the subject, Claim methodological issues, and name call

  4. almost 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Better to be a Teabagger than the tea-baggie…Google tea-bagging as relates to online gamingAnd no, I have only noticed that about dope smokin’ hippy liberals. Change the subject, Claim methodological issues, and name call

  5. about 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    “The actions of the previous president” I call BS…lets look at actions of previous presidents….Had Clinton taken action during his term, we could have prevented 9/11???Or how about the action of congress…(Democratically controlled) forcing lending institution to loan money to minorities (whom they knew could repay it) causing the housing melt down

    you dope smokin’ hippies better get to the real story, not what the “media” feeds ya

    and yes, neither party is worth a piss pot