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  1. about 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    well how about you go back to Poly Sci class and re-educate yourself. Its apparent you do not understand what your talking about. With Executive Orders.


    The president can do alot with how are system operates. PLEASE go back to school .. you have not clue what your talking about.

    As for Obama earmuffs,, they are quite soft and nice fitting.. you should try some ..no wait first you have to take your GOP BLINDERS off so you can see.

    IF anyone is hurting the constitution its the GOP and or founding beliefs. YOU ALL want to for Christian beliefs down the throats of Americans by having it dictate our laws, you want to strip Women of their legal rights to handle their own body, you want to see starving Mexican children turned away at our border, you want to let the banking industry run free as our economy falls apart, you want to give tax breaks to big corps that are sending our jobs overseas, you want to pass laws to let them do it, you want to NOT change our gun polices to help protect our own people and would rather see children die then fix the issue,… wow.. the list keeps going.

    As a FYI, Congress (GOP controlled) has the worst approval rating in the history of this country. GOP has spent untold amounts of money trying to block the President,, rather than work with him and deal with our problems.

    GOP today it the biggest two faced, anti-American group ever. YES Anti-American because everything they do is hurting America not helping. THey don’t want to support standard of living, don’t want to help the environment, fight any bill to help our education system, fight bills to help our vets …wow .. list goes on.

  2. over 10 years ago on John Deering

    Well when the White House agrees to do this 100percent (both GOP and DEM) then there is something going on that we don’t know about. As for him being a deserter.. we need more facts before we lable him. Could of been shell shock or something else going on. He could of just mentally lost it.. need more facts before start throwing on labels.

  3. over 10 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    All I got to say there is something else going on that WE do not know about.

  4. over 10 years ago on Glenn McCoy


    Hate to brake it to you Dude.. umm Trigger is more right then you say. Take your GOP blinders off. Lets just say having 3 generations of family in Naval Intelligence… Trigger knows more then you do bucky. Thats all I will say.

  5. over 10 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    H.. your remarks clearly show why morons like you should stay out of politics. You do not have the brain capacity to understand what Obama just did. He saved an Americans life. By your statement you just spit on the graves of the brave Americans that serve our country over seas. After this happened I asked my Dad what he thought of Obama, this is what he said..“As much as I despise Obama and his socialist ways, he truly understands how the world works, it was either Let our boy die.. or bring him home.. he made the right choice. Still don’t like him as President though”.

    H.. your remarks clearly show why morons like you should stay out of politics. You do not have the brain capacity to understand what Obama just did. He saved an Americans life. By your statement you just spit on the graves of the brave Americans that serve our country over seas. After this happened I asked my Dad what he thought of Obama, this is what he said..“As much as I despise Obama and his socialist ways, he truly understands how the world works, it was either Let our boy die.. or bring him home.. he made the right choice. Still don’t like him as President though”.People that bitch about this action need to go back to grade K and learn their ABCs.

  6. over 11 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Tea party is a joke. I wish people would think forward rather then backwards (GOP and heavy right wing). If we want to save the USA.. you got to increase taxes and cut spending. If you just keep cutting and droping taxes.. the issue never goes away. The controlling factor is called inflation. We can’t stop this. Also, bring back production.. that is a BIG factor. Looks across the globe at other countries. We are a service economy and with every service economy you have large amounts of low paying jobs, unemployment.

    The problem is also the American, we are greedy, lazy (won’t work low paying jobs unless forced to..aka production jobs usually fall into this), and we have a deranged thought that the wants are the NEEDS and we are not willing to work for it.

    Thats what what made the USA strong economically early on is that we were willing to WORK HARD for what we had and willing to wait to have what we want and ensure we got our needs. Not so anymore.

  7. over 11 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Well after being in the industry for 15 years. Universal background checks DO work if they are done right. You DO NOT have to have universal registration for this to function.

    Also, why the gun happy retards so afraid to register their guns? You have to register your kids, your car, your marriage, your schooling, ..hell you give out your SSn number left and right for medical, credit cards,.. so whats the problem?

  8. over 11 years ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    Well, Obama is right. We need to get this under control. More guns does not stop the issue nor curb it. No one needs an assault weapon or an assault look-a-like. What people fail to see and ignore that thanks to the movies and media, people that commit murders with these weapons have mental issues. Any Psychologist will tell you that people with issues look for things that impower.. assault weapons do this thing. Its WAY too easy to get guns and if you ever go to a gun show… just sit there and watch who buys the guns.

    Don’t know who many times I see this nice, well groomed woman buying a gun while her gang memeber boyfriend is pointing out what gun to get… the gun seller sells it to them. Or better yet you will see this very calm person..normal joe shmoe walk in, buy a assault style weapon, strap it on his/her back and all of sudden is strutting around the gun show like he is Clint Eastwood. Also if you pay attention to those buying hunting rifles, they handle it with care and their expression is of “this is great” but it is also of respect knowthing that this weapon is not a toy.

    If you watch some ding back buying a assault style weapon and watch their expresions its of “this is F&*)ng cool” and they straighten up and act like they are bad arss.

    Have to remeber folks, the 2nd Amendment gaurantees your the right to havea a gun. IT DOES NOT gaurantee you what type of gun.. nor the ammo. I have arleady talked to 2 lawyers and they said I am right. The USA Gov. Cannot take your guns and ammo a way..but THEY CAN control what type of guns you have and what type of ammo and NOT violate the 2nd Amendment>

    Kind of funny how all the PRO gun and MORON NRA people said “Obama is taking your guns away..blah blah blah”. I read the executive orders and guess what.. in no way in any form has he violated the 2nd Amendment.

    NICE try NRA and gun happy idiots… FAIL..epic level.

    You still get your guns.. just the assault ones and tools that have been used in mass killing go away.

    Its like a spoiled child .. dad give them a used Honda to go to work or to school.. the spoiled child screams. “but dad.. that doesn’t help me.. I need my Porsche”. Grow up NRA and gun happy retards.

  9. over 11 years ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    LOL.. hate to say this.. FAIL post..very big fail. ONE, NEVER use wikipedia as a reference. NO educational institution will accept this as a valid source. Do this in School and you will get a BIG FAT F!… lol .. nice try..

  10. almost 12 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Say WHAT.. what third rate education do you have?..if any? Gun Control Laws WORK.. if your theory was correct then explain to me why over 60 percent of all homicides involve guns that were LEGALLY purchased? You my friend or sad excuse for a human being. You are more concerned about having a gun then that of a life of a child. Out gun control laws are HORRIBLE and .. never mind. Your a waste of human flesh and .. just jump off the planet would ya.. thanks for spiting on the graves of children AZZhole.