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Actually the reason we can’t have affordable healthcare is because government involvement in healthcare.
Infrastructure is crumbling because government is the one in control of it and they use the money for other things.
As for global warming what is wrong with it being a little warmer? It really isn’t getting warmer but nothing wrong with that.
Jill does look good in a kilt. Of course Ham looks even better
Maria it is comments like that why you have homework on the weekends.
It is an old one but at least it is a new post
Actually it is legally and morally wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your family.
You are stealing someone else’s property to feed yours but you are taking away their ability to feed their family by stealing.
She has a kinda round mouth doesn’t she? Wonder what he will use that opening for.
Wow so what was the horrible accident Snoopy, Deputy Dawg, Dynomutt, Scooby-Doo went through that they lost their manhood? So sad they didn’t talk about it more on the shows.
Well that is why Dadi likes the cofi he doesn’t have to add the alcohol himself.
You should dance like no one is watching and let yourself really cut loose. Don’t care if anyone is.
How does the fossil record back up evolution? I think I missed that in school.
Actually the reason we can’t have affordable healthcare is because government involvement in healthcare.
Infrastructure is crumbling because government is the one in control of it and they use the money for other things.
As for global warming what is wrong with it being a little warmer? It really isn’t getting warmer but nothing wrong with that.