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  1. over 12 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Where did most of us old farts pick up our filthy tongues? Why, from kids just a year or two older than we. TV, back in its infancy, didn’t have nudity, partial or otherwise, or any cussin’!

  2. over 12 years ago on Luann

    She’s probably hiding in plain sight. BTDT with my own 4 year old. She’s now in her 30’s, and I hope her’s repay in kind!

  3. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    In the Central Highlands 69-70, around Pleiku. In one years time, I watched the Vietnamese civilization progress about 100 years. I also saw inflation do a number on the people. Hate to use this for an example, but it is the best one I have: an sll-night girl when I got there charged $5 US or P500, when I left it was $20 US or P2000. Never bought cokes from the Papasan on the bicycle cart because we didnt trust that the “coke” would not have other things in it (glass, rat droppings, poison.) What little I saw that was not occupied by us, or being destroyed by us and them, was very nice. I wouldn’t mind going back, but that’s an old man’s dream that will never happen.

  4. over 12 years ago on Luann

    How long ago is it that you were a kid? Forgot how stupid their thought processes are already? They DO walk out in the rain just because they can.

  5. over 12 years ago on Luann

    And? Your point is? I ran an ER and an Emergency Department (a looong time ago) and my kids were in there, a lot! And not just to visit me! Most of the time it was for treatment that I couldn’t handle at home. Think about the old saw about the worst kids on the block are the "P.K.‘s: Preacher’s or Policeman’s Kids. Those kids already know what not to do because Mom or Dad is onto “that.” So they do something , ah, different, shall we say? (I don’t want to give away any secrets to any kids who might be reading.)

  6. over 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    Brad, being a firefighter, would know to look under and in all the “unusual” places. When a house is on fire and a bedroom door is closed, look in the closet or under the bed; kids think they can “hide” from the danger of a fire. Make sure YOU explane that to your kids, the neighbor’s kids, that punk down the street, and your grandkids.

  7. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    Interesting…“Fuchs” in German means “Fox.” Even if you meant a dirty word (and Fuchs/Fox isn’t?)