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  1. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    “People don’t eat right and exercise because it’s hard to do.” Wait…WHAT???? Most people I know have been brought up with a mom or dad telling them to “eat your vegetables”….vegetables are in EVERY store from Maine to Alaska! It ISN’T hard to do…just saying…I totally disagree with you…AND veggies cost WAAAY less than meats…and it doesn’t cost one CENT to go for a walk!

  2. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Argy, you CAN avoid most of the leading killers of Americans — they are largely food-borne illnesses…if you have an hour, you might check out Michael Greger’s awesome youtube presentation “Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death” …just saying..here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30gEiweaAVQ My best to you!

  3. about 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    @echoraven, surely you mean “refined grains”—intact , wholegrains have sustained a myriad of culture throughout the centuries…the Asians, for example, with rice; their traditional diet of rice and vegetables and small amounts of fish or meat, if any, also helped them stave off the #1 killer in Western countries, coronary heart disease.

  4. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I cannot commend Mr. Miller more for this series of cartoons! People are dying needlessly because they mostly are NOT being told about the benefits of better food choices (PLANTS!) I realize that some are told and refuse to change BUT the default should be: tell the patient about how heart disease is NOT inevitable and if you change what you eat, you WILL reverse many diseases, not just coronary heart disease!

  5. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Retired Dude, but if you don’t change the way you eat AFTER the surgery, aren’t you just looking at more surgeries? Who wants to live like that, just gently saying…?

  6. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Peter, I’ve been 100% plant-strong for some years now…haven’t had a sick day from work in over 10 years and quit getting flu shot 3 years ago. At age 57, I’m on no meds and feel great every day.

  7. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    LadyKat, Type 2 can be reversed…there are many people getting off their diabetes medicines by going 100% plants, just saying. Type 1 is a different situation completely.

  8. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    @Nairebis, please check out Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s recent research…he took 25 “walking dead” heart patients at the Cleveland Clinic, and put them on a Plant Strong program…you can find the video on youtube. THEIR situations improved…he saw them every 2 weeks for a few months, monitored their cholesterol & other “numbers” and he was able to PROVE that plants will REVERSE coronary heart disease, just saying.

  9. about 10 years ago on Non Sequitur

    KUDOS to Wiley Miller! People are dying needlessly due to heart disease, America’s #1 killer for men and women…which is totally preventable and reversible IF we eat plants. Sure, vegans can be unhealthy if they choose processed junk like vegan donuts & cookies but if you go PLANT-STRONG, you’re diseases will likely disappear, not overnight, but over the course of 4 to 10 weeks, you’ll LOOK better and feel better!

  10. about 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    the human body WANTS to heal and it WILL under the right conditions…so happy for your dad!