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  1. almost 10 years ago on Lucky Cow

    Try holding down the “ctrl” key then hit the “+” key – that increases the screen size. “Ctrl” “-” shrinks the screen size. Or hold down the “ctrl” key and scroll the wheel up or down on your mouse.

  2. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow

    He has a sister???

  3. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow

    Rats! You beat me to it.

  4. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow


  5. almost 11 years ago on Cul de Sac

    Yes, give the kids veggies. If they don’t eat them, they’re not hungry. If they’re hungry, they’ll eat them.

  6. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow

    Not sure why she needed the funnel.

  7. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow

    Here’s a quick and easy way to zoom in and zoom out your screen.

    “Ctrl” “+” (hold down the Control key and tap the “plus” key) to magnify the screen. Each time you do it the screen gets bigger.

    “Ctrl” “-” (Control and “minus” key) will shrink it.

    If you don’t have a “10 key” on your keyboard, the “+=” and “-_” keys works as well.

    Alternatively, hold down the Control key and scroll the wheel (if you have one) on your mouse up or down. .

  8. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow

    Now that’s just daffy.

  9. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow

    I thought she was… uh, somewhere else?

  10. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow

    Black ketchup? Yech!