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Recent Comments

  1. over 6 years ago on bacon

    Don’t like this at all. Not funny

  2. about 10 years ago on Tony Auth

    Why do employers have to offer health insurance at all? I bet if we all paid our own premiums, the overall cost would come down because the insurance companies would have to adjust their rates. How about the people who made no claims or few claims against their insurance for 30, 40 years. Why should they have to pay the same as those who have used the insurance from the day they became eligible to make a claim. I am old now and need to use medicare, but I paid into it for over 50 years, and continue to pay into it. I think it is fair for me to do so, I don’t complain about that, but I do think it is ridiculous for me to have to pay supplemental insurance that includes fees for services I will never have to use.

  3. over 10 years ago on Jen Sorensen

    How about the black athletes that have gotten away with rape and murder. Also there are plenty of whites in jail on drug charges, Not just the “poor” black person.

  4. almost 11 years ago on Matt Bors

    Women have a choice - Have sex or don’t. An unborn baby has none. We all have a choice to work wherever we can qualify to work. We know going into a job what the company policy is. That’s what orientation is all about and that is also when we can make a choice. If I want to have extra cancer coverage, I have to pay for it myself. I don’t see why birth control pills can’t be paid for out of pocket by the user. Why should insurance companies be involved unless a woman would suffer grave illness if she were to get pregnant. People who say birth control and abortion is necessary for cases of rape or incest, need to consider that the majority of people having abortions are doing it for convenience, not because they were raped or a victim of incest.