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Richard Rider Free
Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters
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- over 8 years ago on Steve Breen
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
I’m not Trump fan (to put it kindly). I like to “share” such information.
But can Trudeau or someone knowledgeable verify that these quotes are valid? If not Trudeau, URL’s would be nice.
While these quotes DEFINITELY sound like Trump, I want to be correct. After all, it IS a cartoon strip.
Please respond
about 12 years ago
on Lisa Benson
See my posts here on NET domestic migration — migration between states. In the last 20 years, CA has lost almost four million people NET to domestic migration. Four million MORE people LEFT the Golden State than moved here from other states.
Did I mention this is NET?
about 12 years ago
on Lisa Benson
Yes, we breed, we have international net immigration, and we live longer. But when one looks at people in the U.S. moving to and from CA, we are a hemorrhaging state.
about 12 years ago
on Lisa Benson
Think CA is a conservative state? REALLY????From Wikipedia:“The California State Legislature currently has a Democratic supermajority, with the Senate consisting of 29 Democrats and 11 Republicans and the Assembly consisting of 55 Democrats and 25 Republicans. Except for the period from 1995 to 1996, the Assembly has been in Democratic hands since the 1970 election (even while the governor’s office has gone back and forth between Republicans and Democrats). The Senate has been in Democratic hands continuously since 1970.”
about 12 years ago
on [Deleted]
Is THAT the way you envision the future of the other 49 states? Ever hear of the EPA? It’s a FEDERAL agency. CA loves to impose even MORE restrictions than the EPA. Topped off by “cap and trade” taxes — the ONLY state to impose such costs.
about 12 years ago
on Lisa Benson
CA has the 3rd highest state unemployment rate. (November, 2012) – 9.8%. National unemployment rate 7.7%. National unemployment rate not including CA is only 7.4%, making the CA unemployment rate 32.2% higher than the average of the other 49 states.
Using the more accurate U-6 measure of unemployment (includes involuntary part-time workers), CA is the 2nd worst at 19.6% vs. national 15.0%. National U-6 not including CA is 14.4%, making CA’s U-6 36.4% higher than the average of the other 49 states.
about 12 years ago
on Lisa Benson
What’s interesting in comparing the unemployment rate of Texas and California is that Texas has a much lower unemployment rate IN SPITE OF the INFLUX of hundreds of thousands of migrants seeking better opportunities.
Meanwhile CA has a HIGH unemployment rate IN SPITE OF the DEPARTURE of hundreds of thousands of residents — usually seeking better economic opportunities.
about 12 years ago
on Lisa Benson
If you are seriously interested in a wonky explanation of why people are leaving CA (almost 4 million NET net domestic OUT migration in the last 20 years), visit my updated dreary fact sheet, comparing CA with the other 49 states. Each fact is verified with a URL.
about 12 years ago
on Lisa Benson
Consider California’s net domestic migration (migration between states). From 2000 through 2009, California lost a NET 1.5 million people.
Net departures slowed in 2008 only because people couldn’t sell their homes. But more people still leave each year — in 2011 we lost about 100,000 net people to domestic out-migration.
Again, note that this is NET loss. and
These are not welfare kings and queens departing. They are the young, the educated, the productive, the ambitious, the wealthy (such as Tiger Woods) – and retirees seeking to make their pensions provide more bang for the buck.
Too often these departing seniors are retired state and local government employees fleeing the state that provides them with their opulent pensions – in order to avoid the high taxes that these same employees pushed so hard through their unions. And once they move out of California, our state can no longer tax their California-paid pensions.
It’s worth looking back at the bogus proclamations after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. ALL the MSM reported that Katrina signaled the start of climate change acceleration of Atlantic hurricanes — both in size and intensity. We experience neither — the OPPOSITE occurred. But the MSM never reported that.
Here’s my documented article on this, including no less than TEN such 2005 MSM Cassandra predictions by climate change “experts” who were seeking grants based on their unfounded assertions.