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  1. almost 12 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Told even my lawyer about the revival of Emmy Lou and even HE remembered it and with pleasure. Seems this cartoon triggers a smile in everyone who grew up during that era – and it is remembered by so many. Amazing. And re those autograph books from people’s elementary school years, our family still has some of their much loved autograph books, from school and from summer camp. And the book with the zipper closure and girl with the pony tail on the front, with the pages folded at a diagonal with both sides had been written on – so you could quickly find a blank page in someone’s book and add your own clever lines! Fun to see.

  2. about 12 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Now this is what brings me back to Emmy Lou! Love it…

  3. about 12 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Hi, my friends and family and I are loving Emmy Lou!

  4. about 12 years ago on Emmy Lou

    So glad most of you have enough of a life to get the real spirit of this great cartoon series. Stay with it and some of you’ll be either wonderfully reminded of your own times reading Emmy Lou or you’ll become a new convert my family says. Just like any GOOD series, whether T.V. or cartoon panel/strip, the characters unveil themselves and begin to create a personality you look forward to seeing more of. Think, cartoon “For Better or For Worse” for example, to “Downton Abbey” on T.V. I am looking forward to more Emmy Lou!

  5. about 12 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Glad you finally got the download with the actual picture/cartoon! Yes, that does make a difference! See ya in the funny papers.

  6. about 12 years ago on Emmy Lou

    Wow! How great to see Emmy Lou alive and well! My family loved her. Thanks to whomever activated our good friend. I have told many people just today about her revival and they all remembered her! Looking forward to much more! Go Girl!