Well, we all know the Daleks are a universal race bent on takeover, destruction, and world domination (like the North Koreans perhaps?). So, why not practice taking them out? Is Doug pretending to be our Secretary of Defense or Obama? Who knows – could be a political reference. Some of us girls think so.
Love this strip today. The squirrels on our campus are certainly smarter than a lot of students and know how to con us girls in just the right way for food choices. They are so, so smart.
Ah, the first day of Spring. Even animals are aware and appreciate what’s to come; with all the obstacles in the world, we can get through them to smell the roses/flowers!
Great, Some of sorority girls saw philosopher Sophie again (or into politics). According to one sister, Sophie could be saying, “Who knows what some politicians spit up?”
Love this comic. Been watching it daily for years. Best comic out there. Kimposs61@yahoo.com