From today’s article that discusses the future of the strip:“Similar to the successful reboot of Nancy last year with Olivia Jaimes, Ally Oop will have a fresh look and updated adventures in store for fans. There may even be an upcoming trip to the 1980s and a visit with Ronald Reagan (how can you time-travel to the 80s and not meet the former star of Bedtime for Bonzo?).”Here’s the link to the article (you can copy and paste it)
This article tells a bit about what’s coming up at the hands of the new artists.
From today’s article that discusses the future of the strip:“Similar to the successful reboot of Nancy last year with Olivia Jaimes, Ally Oop will have a fresh look and updated adventures in store for fans. There may even be an upcoming trip to the 1980s and a visit with Ronald Reagan (how can you time-travel to the 80s and not meet the former star of Bedtime for Bonzo?).”Here’s the link to the article (you can copy and paste it)