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- about 4 years ago on Clay Bennett
about 4 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
“Putin must be pretty pissed because Trump was harder on Russia than Obama ever dreamed of being”
This is a ridiculous absurd lie.
about 4 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
“provide examples of Fox News manufactured scandals against Obama and Clinton”
Well, off the top, there was the “tan suit scandal”, there was the “coffee cup salute scandal”, there was “Dijon mustard scandal”, there was the “feet on the desk scandal”, there was the “Marine umbrella scandal” . . .
about 4 years ago
on [Deleted]
Laugh! I remember that game. Played it a lot. Got very good at it. The trick was to nudge your explorer – a few pixels at a time – through the nervous Indian masses towards the Indian emperor.
Although graphically primitive by today’s standards, the game was a realistic simulation in many ways. It had a random continent generator – so that every time you played there was a different New World – the map of the Americas was completely different. True exploration.
about 4 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
“[Trump] placed much greater sanctions against Russia than the preceding administration”.
- This of course is a laughable ridiculous lie. Trump has been fighting to dismantle the Russian sanctions from even before he was inaugurated. The whole reason Trump national security advisor was arrested was because he was secretly working with Russia to eliminate the sanctions imposed by Obama.The Trump family’s complete and docile subservience to the will of Vladimir Putin has reshaped the international order.
about 4 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
“He built new hospitals, saw to that a massive amount of masks were manufactured, along with testing stations, and getting rid of bureaucratic red tape to get a vaccine done in record time. That is largely all that he could do”
Trump admin fumbled and bumbled all of this. The Corp of Engineers and the pharmaceutical companies did the work despite them.
We know the consequences of pandemics, and the U.S. had the expertise and resources to handle them. But Trump dismantled and belittled them. And he did nothing during the absolutely critical first 6 weeks when pandemic cases were still in the low hundreds. As President of the United States he had immense ability to act in a national emergency: legally, politically, logistically, financially, and morally. But he tweeted and tweeted and golfed and did reality show TV episodes about drinking disinfectants with the My Pillow guy.
about 4 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
“Trump did not have the legal authority to shut down the economy completely, that’s on the individual states”
- Wrong. Through the Commerce Clause which gives Congress authority to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, the federal government has broad authority to quarantine and impose health measures to prevent the spread of diseases from foreign countries, as well as between states. The federal Public Health Service Act authorizes the Dept. of Health and Human Services to lead federal health and medical responses to public health emergencies.The Bush administration developed an extensive NPI protocol with social distancing, case isolation and quarantines in order to protect America from any pandemic pathogens, man-made or naturally occurring. Building on this system, the Obama administration beat back not one but two pandemics, and with no social or economic cost to the nation at large.
about 4 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
“puppetmaster Xi Jinping, who has bribed . . . many tens of millions of dollars”
Don Trump paid more taxes in communist China than he has in the United States.
The communist Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to Ivanka Trump’s companies by April of 2019 – most of them fast-tracked by Xi Jinping.
Nicole Kushner, Jared’s sister, worked to get half-million dollar bribes from mainland Chinese investors in exchange for “golden visas” allowing their families to immigrate to the U.S.
about 4 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
" lowest unemployment, best economy"
- Not anymore. After Trump’s complete failure to manage the pandemic, U.S. unemployment and poverty rates are much higher.
Personal income, disposable income and consumer spending are all down. GDP growth will be either stagnant or actually lower. The federal government now has a deficit of $3.1 trillion in fiscal year 2020, more than triple the deficit for fiscal year 2019. This year’s deficit is 15.2% of GDP, the greatest deficit as a share of the economy since 1945. Just like Bush. Trump has left the U.S. economy a mess.
about 4 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
The four years of Trump’s corruption, treason and gross incompetence has been a significant victory for communist China. And a great victory for Putin’s Russia.
“why Sen like Inhofe and Miss Lindsey are adamant about voting for TrumpGQP”(?)"
1. Perhaps they are being blackmailed by hostile foreign powers.
2. And literally afraid for their lives from hostile domestic mobs.