
dreamer2112 Free

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9 Chickweed Lane

9 Chickweed Lane

By Brooke McEldowney


By Tony Cochran
Alley Oop

Alley Oop

By Jonathan Lemon and Joey Alison Sayers
Andy Capp

Andy Capp

By Reg Smythe
Arlo and Janis

Arlo and Janis

By Jimmy Johnson


By Mastroianni and Hart


By Hector D. CantĂş and Carlos Castellanos
Big Nate

Big Nate

By Lincoln Peirce
Broom Hilda

Broom Hilda

By Russell Myers
Bob Gorrell

Bob Gorrell

Cathy Classics

Cathy Classics

By Cathy Guisewite
Chip Bok

Chip Bok



By Kevin Fagan
For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

By Lynn Johnston


By Mell Lazarus
FoxTrot Classics

FoxTrot Classics

By Bill Amend
Fred Basset

Fred Basset

By Alex Graham


By Bill Amend


By Jim Davis
Gasoline Alley

Gasoline Alley

By Jim Scancarelli


By Peter Gallagher
Henry Payne

Henry Payne

Jack Ohman

Jack Ohman

Joe Heller

Joe Heller

Kevin Kallaugher

Kevin Kallaugher

Lisa Benson

Lisa Benson

Marshall Ramsey

Marshall Ramsey

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Mike Lester

Mike Lester

Ripley's Believe It or Not

Ripley's Believe It or Not

By Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
Rose is Rose

Rose is Rose

By Don Wimmer and Pat Brady
Steve Kelley

Steve Kelley

Stone Soup

Stone Soup

By Jan Eliot


By Edgar Rice Burroughs


By Tom Wilson & Tom II
Walt Handelsman

Walt Handelsman

Wizard of Id

Wizard of Id

By Parker and Hart
Dana Summers

Dana Summers

Matt Wuerker

Matt Wuerker

Nick and Zuzu

Nick and Zuzu

By Nick Galifianakis
Banana Triangle

Banana Triangle

By Beutel, James


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans
The Meaning of Lila

The Meaning of Lila

By John Forgetta and L.A. Rose
Moderately Confused

Moderately Confused

By Jeff Stahler
Molly and the Bear

Molly and the Bear

By Bob Scott
Invisible Bread

Invisible Bread

By Justin Boyd
Basic Instructions

Basic Instructions

By Scott Meyer


By Daniel Shelton
Half Full

Half Full

By Maria Scrivan


By Charles Boyce
9 to 5

9 to 5

By Harley Schwadron


By Rob Harrell


By Mark Anderson
The Argyle Sweater

The Argyle Sweater

By Scott Hilburn
Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

By Wiley Miller
Nest Heads

Nest Heads

By John Allen
Working It Out

Working It Out

By Charlos Gary
Zen Pencils

Zen Pencils

By Gavin Aung Than
The Elderberries

The Elderberries

By Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise


By Scott Nickel
Emmy Lou

Emmy Lou

By Marty Links
The Doozies

The Doozies

By Tom Gammill
Mike du Jour

Mike du Jour

By Mike Lester


By Jim Meddick
Mutt & Jeff

Mutt & Jeff

By Bud Fisher


By Justin Thompson
For Heaven's Sake

For Heaven's Sake

By Mike Morgan


By Charles Schulz
Ozy and Millie

Ozy and Millie

By Dana Simpson
The Fusco Brothers

The Fusco Brothers

By J.C. Duffy
Gil Thorp

Gil Thorp

By Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill


By Rick McKee
Bob the Squirrel

Bob the Squirrel

By Frank Page
The Born Loser

The Born Loser

By Art and Chip Sansom
Bottom Liners

Bottom Liners

By Eric and Bill Teitelbaum


By Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly
Strange Brew

Strange Brew

By John Deering
C'est la Vie

C'est la Vie

By Jennifer Babcock
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson
Imagine This

Imagine This

By Lucas Turnbloom
Frank and Ernest

Frank and Ernest

By Thaves
Freshly Squeezed

Freshly Squeezed

By Ed Stein
Richard's Poor Almanac

Richard's Poor Almanac

By Richard Thompson
Family Tree

Family Tree

By Signe Wilkinson
The Academia Waltz

The Academia Waltz

By Berkeley Breathed
Angry Little Girls

Angry Little Girls

By Lela Lee
Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

By Mike Osbun
Aunty Acid

Aunty Acid

By Ged Backland
Back in the Day

Back in the Day

By Eric Scott
Ballard Street

Ballard Street

By Jerry Van Amerongen
Barkeater Lake

Barkeater Lake

By Corey Pandolph
The Barn

The Barn

By Ralph Hagen
Barney & Clyde

Barney & Clyde

By Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark


By Dan Dougherty
Berger & Wyse

Berger & Wyse

By Pascal Wyse and Joe Berger


By Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen
The Big Picture

The Big Picture

By Lennie Peterson


By Harry Bliss
Bloom County

Bloom County

By Berkeley Breathed


By Jack Pullan
The Boondocks

The Boondocks

By Aaron McGruder

Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Tarzan

    I thought if you got your bowstring wet it became pretty much useless? Also, in the books, Tarzan’s most constant weapon was a hand-made rope that he’d lasso his prey with, pulling it up into the tree strangling it, and then stabbing it with his knife. But oh well…

  2. over 11 years ago on Health Capsules

    Gotta be careful though – some herbals, such as milkweed, not only are “liver cleansing”, but they can affect how well your medications metabolize. Any supplement that affects your liver could also make your medications less effective while you are taking the supplement. People need to consult with their doctor before doing this.

  3. over 11 years ago on Birdbrains

    Ewwww! Gross!!!!

  4. over 11 years ago on [Deleted]

    Oh yeah! My dad traveled a lot when I was very little! He set himself up though – he would go all these cool places and send me a post card, and I got so that I really expected to get them every time! He’d bring home some really fun things too – like a leprechaun that had a “hidden” zipper pouch for your pajamas, or the “dolls of all nations” collection. He traveled less frequently as time went on, but I still remember him coming back from Japan and bringing me a kimono (which I promptly decided would be my new bathrobe!) ;-)

  5. over 11 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    My little sister was cute as a button and yeah, she did the whole wandering off and what did you bring me thing. Actually, my little brother was the star of the family at getting lost! There was that time at Disney World….

  6. over 11 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Never did the wildlife in the suitcase thing, but when I was 11 I did decide to bring an ivy plant that I’d grown from a cutting on the plane with me. They were very nice and let me keep my little cup with water and greenery with me and I managed to get it to our new home without spilling it. It had gotten so big I didn’t have the heart to leave it behind and let it die, and it never occured to me to actually plant the darn thing in the ground! ;-)

  7. over 11 years ago on Alley Oop

    I know exactly where this is going – stormy night, Lake Geneva 1816, 4 friends together – they will have their infamous writing contest and a young girl will be inspired to write a story that will fascinate and terrify generations! Fun times!

  8. over 11 years ago on Health Capsules

    Nuts are great, as long as you’re not eating a pound of salt with ’em!

  9. over 11 years ago on Speechless

    Mary Poppins carpet bag!

  10. over 11 years ago on B.C.

    I always used my right hip, even though I’m right-handed. Diaper bag on the left shoulder, baby on the right hip! ;-) Awww… I miss those days…